![]() | CoNSALL 2018: Cognitive Neuroscience of Second and Artificial Language Learning Bangor University Bangor, UK, September 21-23, 2018 |
Conference website | http://consall.bangor.ac.uk |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=consall2018 |
Abstract registration deadline | June 28, 2018 |
Submission deadline | June 28, 2018 |
CoNSALL | Call for papers
Cognitive Neuroscience of Second and Artificial Language Learning
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Second and Artificial Language Learning conference will take place
on 21, 22 & 23 September 2018 in the Pontio building, Bangor University, Wales, UK.
Keynote speakers
Janet van Hell | Penn State University
Gary Oppenheim | Prifysgol Bangor
Patrick Rebuschat | Lancaster University
Confirmed speakers
Laura Batterink | Northwestern University
Jon Andoni Duñabeitia | Universidad Nebrija
Rob Hartsuiker | Universiteit Gent
Kara Morgan-Short | University of Illinois at Chicago
Susanne Reiterer | Universität Wien
Karsten Steinhauer | McGill University
The conference theme
The conference welcomes papers and communications dealing with the cognitive bases of the acquisition and use of a second language or of an artificial language. The following questions are particularly relevant: How are the novel representations of a second language neuroanatomically organised or neurophysiologically implemented in relation to representations of the first? How do they dynamically interact? How does the second language / an artificial language influence native language representations and vice versa? How much functional autonomy do language representations enjoy from generic cognitive control systems during and after learning? And what can artificial language learning (as a methodology) tell us about natural language learning and use? For example, what design features affect generalisability of insights gained from artificial language research? How do computational models inform us about the neural bases of second language learning? Can computational modelling help reveal implicit aspects of second language acquisition?
Abstract formatting guidelines
- Abstracts should be fully referenced and formatted in accordance with the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.
- Please use this template when writing your abstract, and submit it as a one-page PDF document.
- The PDF should include the title (in bold), abstract (max 300 words), a maximum of two figures placed below the abstract, references in APA format, and a mention of any or all of the following options at the bottom of the page: Oral presentation / Poster presentation / Slam science presentation to indicate intended contribution(s).
- Text should be in Helvetica font (or equivalent), size 14 for title and 10 for text, and single-spaced.
Special Issue
Apart from the scientific sharing forum and the social gathering opportunity offered by CoNSALL, the ultimate goal of the meeting is to work towards a high-profile, peer reviewed special issue of the Language Learning Cognitive Neuroscience Series, which will also be published as a stand-alone volume (double publication status) in early 2020.
The special issue will aim to tackle second and artificial language learning mechanisms using cognitive neuroscience methods. Contributions reporting results from experiments using methods that have a tangible relation to brain function are particularly encouraged (e.g., electrophysiology, in particular EEG and MEG, fMRI, NIRS, TMS, tDCS...), but also studies using methods from behavioural neuroscience such as eye-tracking, electrodermal conductivity, and reaction time modelling.
The authors of the two highest rated abstract submissions will be invited to submit a full-length paper as part of the special issue of the Language Learning Cognitive Neuroscience Series. After receiving live feedback from peers, contributors will submit their paper before 15 February 2019.