![]() | CUI 2021: Conversational User Interfaces 2021 Bilbao, Spain, July 27-29, 2021 |
Conference website | https://www.conversationaluserinterfaces.org/2021 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cui2021 |
Full Papers | February 26, 2021 |
Demo Papers | April 16, 2021 |
Poster Papers | April 16, 2021 |
Provocation Papers | April 16, 2021 |
Featured Talks | May 21, 2021 |
Call for Papers
CUI 2021 - 3rd International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces Hybrid Event
(online and on site at Bilbao, Spain) | 27-29 July 2021
There has been an increasing interest in language-based interactions with technology. Driven by the commercial success of intelligent personal assistant devices such as Alexa and Google Home, the number of natural language and conversation-based interactions is growing in commercial settings. Following the successful inaugural ACM In-Cooperation conference in 2019 and the virtual conference in 2020, CUI 2021 aims to further develop a collaborative community around human-computer interaction issues in speech and language technology, with a specific interest in theory-based and applied scientific issues in the field of speech and text-based conversational user interfaces. Thus CUI 2021 further looks to bring together relevant communities (e.g. ISCA, ACM SIGCHI, CogSci) to publish, disseminate and showcase high-quality cutting-edge research related to the field, promote insight and debate in this interesting and important discipline within language interfaces.
Topics relevant to the conference include, but are not limited to:
- voice user experience
- speech interfaces
- speech interface theory development
- conversational interaction through technology
- text-based conversational interfaces
- chatbots
- speech synthesis
- speech recognition
- dialogue management
- conversational interface design insights
- methods for conversational user interface development and evaluation
- multimodal interaction involving speech, text or other language based interfaces
- conversational search
The conference offers 6 different contribution formats:
Full Papers:
Full papers are original contributions from a broad range of disciplines including: human-computer interaction, computer science, engineering, speech technology, linguistics, psychology, cognitive sciences, sociology and other cognate disciplines.
Submissions must be anonymized (approx. 6,000 words excluding references) using the ACM author templates (link to templates; Word users should use Submission Template, LaTeX users should use the “manuscript” document class in the Master Article Template). Each paper will be peer reviewed by 3 expert reviewers. Submissions must be made through EasyChair (link). Accepted papers will be available online and given an oral presentation slot at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.
Important Dates:
- Full Paper submission deadline: February 12th 2021, 23:59 GMT+1
- Notification: March 26th 2021
- Rebuttal deadline: April 9th 2021
- Final notification: April 16th 2021
- Camera ready version: May 28th 2021
Full Paper Chairs:
- Benjamin Cowan (University College Dublin)
- Minha Lee (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Bob Moore (IBM Research USA)
Provocation Papers:
CUI 2021 provocation papers are short papers that explore controversial, risk taking or nascent ideas that have the potential to spark debate and discussion at the conference.
Submissions must be anonymized (approx. 2,000 words excluding references) using the ACM author templates (link to templates; Word users should use Submission Template, LaTeX users should use the “manuscript” document class in the Master Article Template). Each paper will be anonymously peer reviewed by 3 expert reviewers. Submissions must be made through EasyChair (link). Accepted papers will be available online and given an oral presentation slot at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.
Important Dates:
- Provocation Paper submission deadline: April 9th 2021, 23:59 GMT+1
- Notification: May 7th 2021
- Camera ready version: May 28th 2021
Provocation Paper Chairs:
- Jennifer Pearson (Swansea University)
- Donald McMillan (Stockholm University)
- Ilaria Torre (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Demo Papers:
Demo Papers are interactive contributions aiming to tackle challenges and show progress in the field of Conversational User Interfaces.
Submissions must be anonymized (approx. 3,000 words excluding references) using the ACM author templates (link to templates; Word users should use Submission Template, LaTeX users should use the “manuscript” document class in the Master Article Template). Each paper will be anonymously peer reviewed by 3 expert reviewers. Submissions must be made through EasyChair (link). Accepted papers will be available online and given the opportunity to present their demo during a dedicated demo session. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.
Important Dates:
- Demo Paper submission deadline: April 9th 2021, 23:59 GMT+1
- Notification: May 7th 2021
- Camera ready version: May 28th 2021
Demo Paper Chairs:
- Heloisa Candello (IBM Research Brasil)
- Christine Murad (University of Toronto)
- Philip Doyle (University College Dublin)
Poster Papers:
Poster Papers allow for the presentation, discussion and information exchange of early stage research in the field of Conversational User Interfaces.
Submissions must be anonymized (approx. 3,000 words excluding references) using the ACM author templates (link to templates; Word users should use Submission Template, LaTeX users should use the “manuscript” document class in the Master Article Template). Each paper will be anonymously peer reviewed by 3 expert reviewers. Submissions must be made through EasyChair (link). Accepted papers will be available online and given the opportunity to present their poster during a dedicated poster session. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.
Important Dates:
- Poster Paper submission deadline: April 9th 2021, 23:59 GMT+1
- Notification: May 7th 2021
- Camera ready version: May 28th 2021
Poster Paper Chairs:
- Cosmin Munteanu (University of Toronto)
- Moira McGregor (Brunel University London)
- Emer Gilmartin (Trinity College Dublin)
Featured Talks:
Featured talks look to showcase work from 2011-2020 related to all aspects of Conversational User Interfaces. These will be work from leading journals and conferences published over the last 10 years.
Important Dates:
- Featured Talks submission deadline: May 21th 2021, 23:59 GMT+1
- Notification: June 4th 2021
Featured Talks Chairs:
- Martin Porcheron (Swansea University)
- Selina Sutton (Northumbria University)
- Stuart Reeves (University of Nottingham)
Workshops are collaborative and interactive means of presenting and discussing topic-focused research findings, challenges as well as trends in the field of Conversational User Interfaces. More information regarding workshops will be made available on the CUI 2021 website in spring 2021.