CMLCA21: 2021 Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Amercas Online & California State University, East Bay’s Oakland, California Conference Center Oakland, CA, United States, October 16-17, 2021 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | July 6, 2021 |
Submission Guidelines
In a separate document provide a response to each of the following prompts. Then upload that document to the "Paper. Upload your paper" option in the submission link above:
1. Choose one of the following for 60-90 minute sessions:
● Paper Presentation (10-15 mins. to discuss your work, sharing examples and making it as multimodal as possible. There will be a question and answer time at the end of each session).
● Panel Discussion (with three or more people, design an interactive session in which you are all discussing similar ideas based on a unifying theme or topic)
● Workshop (this is an interactive session in which the audience participates through either guided lessons or some type of CML demonstration)
2. Names and Bios of participants including sponsoring organization:
3. Proposal Title:
4. Abstract (100-250 words maximum):
5. Connections between CMLCA’s definition of Critical Media Literacy and your proposal (2-3 sentences):
6. One Sentence Description of Your Proposal:
6. Which conference topics does this proposal address?
List of Topics
- Ecoliteracy and environmental justice
- Indigenous cultures / peoples / perspectives
- Decolonization & Postcolonialism
- Critiques of power, dominant ideologies, and social injustice
- Critical and humanizing education
- Challenging racism, sexism, classism, heteronormativity, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, etc.
- Abolitionist teaching
- Democracy and human rights
- Attacks on science and denial of facts
- Critical news and information literacies
- Challenging neoliberalism and privatization
- Issues of surveillance and privacy
- Activism and empowerment with media and the arts
Organizing Committee
Allison Butler (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Renee Childs (Youth Be Heard)
Andrea Gambino (University of California, Los Angeles)
Noah Golden (California State University, Long Beach)
Nolan Higdon (California State University, East Bay)
Amina Humphrey (California State University, Dominguez Hills)
Raúl Alberto Mora (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Sede Central Medellín)
Reina Robinson (Center for Urban Excellence)
Jeff Share (University of California, Los Angeles)
James P. Stancil II (Intellect U Well, Inc., Prairie View A&M University)
Alison Trope (University of Southern California)
Alicia Olguín (Instituto Provincial de Educación Superior "Paulo Freire")
Eugenia Carrión Cantón (Instituto Provincial de Educación Superior "Paulo Freire")
Yolanda Gayol (FIelding Graduate University Fellow and Faculty at Universidad de Guadalajara)
Ramsés Barroso
Mary Grueser (Educational Video Center)
The conference will be held virtually, and in-person at the California State University, East Bay’s Oakland, California Conference Center: 1000 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Nolan Higdon at
Action Coalition for Media Education
Project Censored
University of Southern California's Critical Media Project
Union for Demcoratic Communication