![]() | CLIE-2020: Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia ALBA IULIA, Romania, October 16-17, 2020 |
Conference website | http://ciel.uab.ro/index.php?pagina=pg&id=36&l=en |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=clie2020 |
Abstract registration deadline | September 5, 2020 |
Submission deadline | October 7, 2020 |
CLIE-2020 aims at investigating the potential manipulative force of figurative language, especially metaphors, used in the public sphere and media in particular, especially in a time of pandemic. The metaphor of war was widely exploited for the covid-19 epidemic by state leaders, government officials or prominent politicians (e.g. Romanian President Iohannis: “we are in the middle of a war; our heroes in the frontline are the doctors and the healthcare professionals”; President Trump called himself a “war-time president”, fighting against an “invisible enemy”; Queen Elizabeth II said “we will meet again”, reverberating a Second World War song, etc.) in order to legitimise the national imposition of the state of emergency. It is nonetheless important to beware the hazards of such powerful framings, as the reality of a war turns people into warriors, calls to obedience, propagates panic and instigates to hatred or racist action against the culprits (see President Trump referring to it as the “China virus”). Ideological manipulation through figurative language (metaphors, as well as hyperbole or irony) is a consequential phenomenon that needs to be further explored as it critically impacts not only national and international decisions and courses of action, but also our daily life, interactions and behaviours (the encroachment of social-distancing rules turned those of us who did not follow them and/or scorned the severity of the pandemic into ‘traitors’ and ‘deserters’).
Submission Guidelines
Publication guidelinesA selection of (extended) papers (5000-9000 words) will be published in the Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE 2021, which is indexed by ERIH Plus, EBSCO, ProQuest, Index Copernicus, Cabell’s Directories, Ulrichs Web, The Linguist List. Additionally, a peer-reviewed selection of workshop papers will be published in a monographic collection produced by a reputable international publisher. Please follow the guidelines below in preparation of your manuscript. Since the Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education is peer reviewed, you have to ensure anonymity of your first submission. Therefore, at first submission for blind review, please send two MS Word-format (Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsXP) documents, one containing your article, in which you will not include your name and affiliation, and another document containing the title of your paper, your name and affiliation, as well as email address. Please remember that each submission must be accompanied by a separate short biographical note on the author(s). Manuscripts (as Word attachments) should be sent to: editor@uab.ro or alternately to tpopescu@uab.ro. Your final paper should contain the following: (1) Title (2) Name(s) of the author(s) (3) Affiliation of the author(s) (4) Abstract (5) Key words (6) Body of the text (7) References Format Length: 5000 - 9000 words Paper size: Custom size Width: 17 cm Height: 24 Font: Times New Roman (11 pt) NB: If a paper contains characters other than the Latin script, the author should provide the fonts. Line spacing: 1 Alignment: JustifiedMargins: Top: 2 cm; Bottom: 2 cm; Left: 2 cm; Right: 2 cm; Page numbers: Do not insert page numbers (1) Title: bold capitals, centred, TNR (12 pt) (2) Author’s name: bold, centred, TNR (12 pt) (3) Affiliation: below author’s name, regular font, TNR (11 pt) (4) Abstract An abstract of up to 500 words should precede the body of the text (TNR, 10 pt). The first line should start with the entry Abstract (5) Key words Please include five key words next to the entry Key words: (TNR, 10 pt). DEVELOPING TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES IN A BUSINESS ENGLISH CLASSROOM Teodora Popescu 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania Abstract This article brings forth a possible teaching paradigm that re-evaluates the pedagogical benefits of teaching translation techniques to business students. While rejecting the one-sided structural/grammatical translation method, we propose a model based on the Lexical Approach which draws on the lexical, paradigmatic, as well as syntagmatic equivalence between the source language and the target language. Key words: Translation competence; Translation skills; Translation education; Equivalence. (6) Body of the text: regular font, TNR (11 pt) Headings: bold, aligned left, separated from the text by a blank line, Arab numbering Emphasis Bold should only be used for the title, subtitles, and headings.Italics should be used for emphasis, examples interpolated in the text, non-English words and book/journal titles.‘Single quotation marks’ enclose translations, e.g. Romanian active circulante - ‘current assets’.“Double quotation marks” enclose brief citations running in the text (longer quotations, indented on all sides, are not put between quotation marks). Footnotes: regular font, TNR (9 pt)Footnotes should be marked consecutively throughout the text by a number directly following a punctuation mark. Figures, tables etc. Figures, tables etc. should be provided on a separate page (with appropriate reference in the text) or inserted as moveable objects in the text. Citations and quotations Citations and quotations are followed by parentheses containing author’s surname, year of publication and a reference to page(s) – e.g. (Popescu 2004:45). Brief citations are interpolated in the text, between double quotation marks. Longer quotations (5-10 lines) should appear as separate blocks, indented left and right and separated from the text by an extra-line space above and below, without quotation marks. (7) References: regular font, TNR (10 pt) References should be indicated in the typescript by giving the author’s name, with the year of publication in parentheses - e.g. (Popescu 2004:45). If several papers by the same author from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication. The references should be listed in full at the end of the paper in the following standard form: For books: - single author:Handy, C.B. (1985). Understanding organizations. Harmondsworth: Penguin. - multiple authors:When a work has up to (and including) six authors, cite all authors. When a work has more than six authors cite the first six followed by ’et al.’ Festinger, L., Riecken, H., & Schachter, S. (1956). When prophecy fails. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. - items in an anthology/chapter in edited books: Rubenstein, J.P. (1967). The effect of television violence on small children. In B.F. Kane (Ed.), Television and juvenile psychological development (pp. 112-134). New York: American Psychological Society. - chapter in a volume in a series: Maccoby, E.E., & Martin, J. (1983). Socialization in the context of the family: Parent-child interaction. In P.H. Mussen (Series Ed.) & E.M. Hetherington (Vol. Ed.),Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 4. Socialization, personality, and social development (4th ed., pp. 1-101). New York: Wiley. - translated works: Freud, S. (1970). An outline of psychoanalysis (J. Strachey, Trans.). New York: Norton. (Original work published 1940) - proceedings: Deci, E.L., & Ryan, R.M. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. In R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 38. Perspectives on motivation (pp. 237-288). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. - dissertation, published:Ross, F.N. (2010). Analysing the translatibility in subtitled humour in the Turkish cultural and linguistic context. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Ankara University Library. (Accession Number 12345X) - dissertation, unpublished:Manner, F.N. (2011). A critical discourse analysis of Gardner’s theory of attitudes and motivation. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Alba Iulia, Romania. For articles: - articles in journals:Boschhuizen, R., & Brinkman, F.G. (1991). A proposal for a teaching strategy based on preinstructional ideas of pupils. European Journal of Teacher Education, 14(1), 45-56. - articles in monthly periodicals: Chandler-Crisp, S. (1988, May). ”Aerobic writing“: a writing practice model. Writing Lab Newsletter, pp. 9-11. - articles in weekly periodicals: Kauffmann, S. (1993, October 18). On films: class consciousness. The New Republic, p. 30. - newspaper articles: Monson, M. (1993, September 16). Urbana firm obstacle to office project. The Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, pp. A1, A8. - no author identified: Clinton puts ‘human face’ on health-care plan. (1993, September 16). The New York Times, p. B1. For online documents:Kawasaki, J.L., & Raven, M.R. (1995). Computer-administered surveys in extension. Journal of Extension, 33, 252-255. Retrieved June 2, 1999, from http://joe.org/joe/index.html. - dictionary entries:Virulent. (2000). Dictionary.com. Lexico Publishing Group. Retrieved August 30, 2005, from http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=virulent. For any other types of documents, please refer to the APA style of citation. |
List of Topics
- Intercultural pragmatics and Cultural linguistics;
- Discourse Analysis, Rhetoric and Pragmatics;
- Semantics and Stylistics;
- Corpus and Computational linguistics;
- Second Language Acquisition;
- Foreign/Second Language Teaching and Teacher Education;
- Sociolinguistics;
- Contrastive Linguistics;
- Translating, Interpreting and Mediation;
- Intercultural Business Communication.
Program Committee
Professor Teodora Iordăchescu, Director of CIEL Centre
Assoc. Prof. Rodica CHIRA, CIEL Centre
Dr. Crina HERȚEG, CIEL Centre,
Dr. Gabriel BĂRBULEȚ, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology
Dr. Grigore-Dan Iordăchescu, University of Alba Iulia, Romania
Professor Mario BRDAR, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Osijek
Professor Vladimir ŽEGARAC, University of Madeira, Portugal
Professor Ștefan OLTEAN, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Professor Felix NICOLAU, Lund University, Sweden
Professor Azamat AKBAROV, Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Professor Giacomo FERRARI, Amedeo Avogadro University, Italy
Professor Igor LAKIĆ, University of Montenegro
Professor Mariana NEAGU, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania
Assoc. Professor Jelena PRTLJAGA, College of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers "Mihailo Palov" in Vrsac, Serbia
Professor Cristiana-Nicola TEODORESCU, University of Craiova
Assoc. Professor Mădălina CERBAN, University of Craiova
Assoc. Professor Senad BECIROVIĆ, Burch International University, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Vildana DUBRAVAC, Burch International University, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Žana GAVRILOVIĆ, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Aleksandra GOJKOV RAJIĆ, College of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers "Mihailo Palov" in Vrsac, Serbia
Dr. Eufrozina GREONJANC, College of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers "Mihailo Palov" in Vrsac, Serbia
Dr. Monika KOPYTOWSKA, University of Lodz, Poland
Dr. Svetlana KURTEŠ, University of Madeira, Portugal
Dr. Anabella Gloria NICULESCU-GORPIN, 'Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti' Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy
Dr. Alcina SOUSA, University of Madeira, Portugal
Dr. Branduša ŽUJKA, College of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers "Mihailo Palov" in Vrsac, Serbia
Organizing committee
Professor Teodora Iordăchescu, Ph.Ed., Director of CIEL Centre, tpopescu@uab.ro
Dr. Crina HERȚEG, CIEL Centre, crina.herteg@uab.ro
Assoc. Prof. Rodica-Gabriela CHIRA, Ph.D., CIEL Centre, rodica.chira@uab.ro (for the French section)
Dr. Cristina-Matilda VĂNOAGĂ, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Ph.D. student Adina BOTAȘ, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Ph.D. student Andra URSA, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Ph.D. student Liana BOCA, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
BA student Diana AVRAM, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Invited Speakers
- Speaker 1
- Speaker 2
- Speaker 3
A selection of (extended) papers (5000-9000 words) will be published in the Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education - JoLIE 2021, which is indexed by ERIH Plus, EBSCO, ProQuest, MLA Directory of Periodicals, Cabell’s Directories, Ulrichs Web, The Linguist List. (Please see http://jolie.uab.ro/)
Additionally, a peer-reviewed selection of conference papers will be published in a monographic collection produced by a reputable international publisher.
Further details will follow in due time.
The conference will be held online, via Microsoft Teams Platform. (a tutorial will be available for participants, who will get an invitation via email).
This year, as the conference will be organized online, there will be no participation fee. However, the organisers will charge a publication and postage fee, after the decision of the Scientific Committee.
Publication and postage fee – 50 Euro (for foreign participants).
– 100 lei (for Romanian participants).
Fees should be transferred to the accounts below with the reference “SURNAME_NAME_CIEL_PUBLICATION-2021”, as instructed by the organisers in January 2021. Please instruct your bank to apply exchange rates as on the transfer date. Please make sure the amount transferred is clear of bank charges.
Payments in RON (Romanian participants):
Account details:
Asociatia Pro Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 din Alba Iulia
Alba Iulia, str. Unirii, nr. 15-17, Corp C,
Alba, Romania
Fiscal code 33887538
Banca Comerciala Romana - BCR, Sucursala Alba,
IBAN RO45RNCB0003145211750001
Payments in Euro (foreign participants):
Account details:
Asociatia Pro Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 din Alba Iulia
Alba Iulia, str. Unirii, nr. 15-17, Corp C,
Alba, Romania
Fiscal code 33887538
Banca Comerciala Romana - BCR, Sucursala Alba,
IBAN RO36RNCB0014145211750001
Further instructions will follow in mid July, 2020.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
Conference secretariat: clie@uab.ro