CITA 2025: 2025 International Conference of Information and Communication Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin ISBA, Champ de Foire, Faculté des Sciences de Santé (FSS) Cotonou, Benin, June 26-27, 2025 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Abstract registration deadline | April 12, 2025 |
Submission deadline | May 26, 2025 |
Acceptance notification date of papers | June 6, 2025 |
Conference and workshop registration deadline | June 15, 2025 |
CITA is an international conference aiming to bring together academics, industry experts, and scholars to discuss advancements in Information and Communication Technology and their applications in various fields such as public health, agriculture, education, manufacturing, etc.
CITA-2025 will be held in Cotonou (Benin/West Africa) in a hybrid mode: in-presence and virtual. It would like to invite researchers from universities ("academics" and "scholars") with professionals directly working in the field ("industry experts"), to come together and discuss technological advancements and their applicability in the field of agriculture, particularly to tackle challenges facing food production and security worldwide. And particularly in Africa. The CITA-2025, therefore, is targeting the application of Industry 4.0 in Agriculture.
Applying Industry 4.0 means being flexible, simple, safe, and highly productive. Industry 4.0 brings together various areas of Festo expertise and thus offers a wide range of benefits for production. Industry 4.0 includes various technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), which are used to automate processes, improve workflows and increase productivity.
Agriculture is in the course of a technological revolution, with the emergence of new technologies radically transforming the way crops are grown, animals raised, natural resources managed, and greenhouse gas emissions monitored. This is a highly promising sector for economic growth that will benefit populations at risk of poverty. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is an effective means of digitizing processes in the agricultural sector, reducing the rate of food insecurity and offering innovative opportunities for resilience in the face of shocks, and maintaining the sustainability of agricultural and food systems.
Indeed, the integration of ICT into the agricultural sector has been made possible by industrialization from the first industrial revolution (industry 1.0) to the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). This rapid progress in industry has had a dazzling impact on the development of agriculture, from agriculture 1.0, marked by the use of the hoe, pitchfork, sickle and weeder for cultivation, to agriculture 3.0, marked by the automation of tasks (the use of embedded systems) and software engineering for agricultural development. All these developments have increasingly changed the shape of farming activities, replacing labor-intensive traditional agriculture with industrial or modern agriculture. Agriculture 3.0 has profoundly transformed the agricultural sector, integrating advanced technologies to improve efficiency, sustainability and profitability. However, it suffers from certain shortcomings such as long-term data storage, ecological problems, inefficient management of the agricultural production chain and the non-traceability of agri-food transactions. Then, the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) has been launched, to jointly exploit several emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, drones, Artificial Intelligence (AI), massive data analysis systems (Big data) and blockchain.
Agriculture 4.0, also known as smart farming, presents several advantages such as resilience, increased production efficiency, and sustainability. However, it is subject to several challenges such as the inaccessibility of farmers, in particular, small-scale operators to technologies, thus posing the problem of inclusion and the security of agricultural data. The latter must be used transparently and ethically, while respecting farmers' privacy. Furthermore, developing countries, being the most affected by food insecurity, face several challenges when it comes to smart farming. These include insufficient infrastructure, resistance to change and the impact of climate change. It is in this context that the Commission Permanente Sciences Fondamentales, Ingénierie et Innovation of the Académie Nationale des Sciences, Arts, Lettres du Bénin (ANSALB) is organizing the « CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES TECHNOLOGIES DE L’INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ANSALB (CITA) 2025 » under the theme « EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE ». This conference aims to bring together social players such as researchers, economic operators, industrialists, local authorities and those involved in governance at all levels, to discuss all aspects of digital agriculture.
Participants will also have the opportunity during the conference to discuss with experts in the field and exchange best practices. Original contributions relating to digital agriculture, security, inclusion and sustainability are welcome on the link (to be specified). Expected concerns cover, among others, innovative solutions using technologies such as IoT, AI, Big data, blockchain, agricultural data security, application solutions, and innovative solutions participating in the reduction of farmers' literacy rate
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Short paper with references but has between 5-9 "standard" pages (1 standard page = 2500 characters).
Regular paper with at least 10 "standard" pages and an appropriate number of references.
Paper submissions must be in English and conform to: A better way to format your document for CEUR-WS
List of Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas
- Agriculture 4.0 and digital transformation :
o Applications of IoT, AI, Big Data and blockchain in agriculture
o Precision agriculture and agricultural data management
o Robotics, drones and automation of agricultural tasks
o Digital platforms and mobile applications for agriculture
o Economic models and socio-economic impacts of Agriculture 4.0
- Data security and digital inclusion :
o Issues of security and confidentiality of agricultural data
o Cybersecurity in the agricultural sector
o Digital inclusion of small farmers and rural communities
o Training and development of digital skills in agriculture
o Public policies and regulations for inclusive and secure digital agriculture
- Sustainability and resilience of agricultural and food systems :
o Technologies for sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture
o Digital solutions for adapting to climate change
o Organic farming and digital farming: synergies and challenges
o Sustainable management of natural resources (water, soil, biodiversity)
o Reducing food loss and waste through technology
- Specific applications and case studies :
o Technologies for precision breeding and animal welfare
o Digital solutions for crop and soil management
o Blockchain applications for agricultural and food traceability
o Use of satellite data and remote sensing in agriculture
o Case studies of successful digital farming projects in developing countries
This conference is not limited to these topics. It also welcomes papers on the digitalization of the environment and climate sectors.
Conference Sessions:
- The Main Session focuses on industry 4.0 applications in the field of agriculture and Food security
- Sessions 2: would focus on the industry 4.0 applications in fields close to agriculture or others
- Further sessions would focus on technological advancements in industry 4.0, particularly Agriculture 4.0
Program Committee
Nom University / Institution Country
- Acad. Antoine VIANOU Université d’Abomey Calavi (UAC) Bénin
- Dr. Thierry EDOH Université technique de Munich Germany
- Pr. Christelle AUPETIT Université de Limoges (UNILIM) France
- Pr. Ahmed Dooguy KORA Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécom. (ESMT) Sénégal
- Pr. Tahirou DJARA Ecole Polytechnique d’Abomey Calavi (UAC) Bénin
- Pr. Said MAZER Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées de Fès Maroc
- Pr. Eugéne EZIN Universite d'Abomey-Calavi Bénin
- Pr. Telex M. N. NGATCHED McMaster University Canada
- Pr Michel BABRI Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet -Boigny Côte d’Ivoire
- Pr. BEDJA K. Sà Université de Lomé Togo
- Dr Patrick SOTINDJO UNSTIM Bénin
- Dr. Géraud PAZOU UNSTIM Bénin
- Pr. Samuel OUYA Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP) Sénégal
- Dr (MC) Jules DEGILA Universite d'Abomey-Calavi Bénin
- Pr. Martin P. AINA Universite d'Abomey-Calavi Bénin
Organizing committee
- Acad. Antoine VIANOU ANSALB, Chair,
- Dr SOTINDJO Patrick, UNSTIM, Local Co-chair,
- Dr. Géraud PAZOU UNSTIM, Local Co-chair,
- Pr. Ahmed Dooguy KORA ESMT
- Pr. Tahirou DJARA UAC
- Pr. Eugéne EZIN UAC
- Dr. Abdou Aziz SOBABE
- Dr Anne- Carole HONFOGA UAC
- Dr. Elisée Franck HOUNDONOUGBO UAC
- Mr. Fourier SANDAH
- Dr Régis HONTINFINDE Ministère de la Digitalisation
- Dr Max Fréjus Owolabi SANYA, EPAC,
- Mr ABALLO Yannick UAC
- Dr Steaven CHEDE UAC
- Dr Aboudou Waidi BELLO UAC
- Pr. Kokou Marc ASSOGBA UAC
- Pr. Virgile AHYI IRGIB Africa
- Dr. Matine OUSMANE UAC
- Mr Nicolas THON Sup Télécoms
- Dr. Carlos AGOSSOU UAC
CITA 2025 proceedings will be published in the CITA Series of CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
The conference will be held in Cotonou (Benin), Amphi ISBA at Champ de Foire.
All questions about the conference and submissions should be emailed to