CILCA 2021: IX International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in Latin America Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 31-June 4, 2021 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Poster | download |
Submission deadline | September 30, 2020 |
New Submission deadline | October 20, 2020 |
Notification of acceptance (abstracts for oral presentations and posters) | February 15, 2021 |
Corrected abstract deadline | March 1, 2021 |
Full paper deadline (for oral presentations only) | March 8, 2021 |
Notification of acceptance (full papers for oral presentations) | March 31, 2021 |
Facing the pandemic, the LCA community has the tools and the opportunity to show the long-term environmental and social benefits of humanity's new preferences and thus improve the positioning of more sustainable technologies: those that allow immediate action, without losing the long term view. Perhaps most importantly, these technologies could consolidate and become common currency once the emergency is over, achieving substantial improvements in terms of sustainability.
CILCA 2021 proposes a space to address these new challenges with its traditional life cycle approach, accepting face-to-face and virtual participation in all its instances. In this way, we hope to provide an adaptable solution to the current pandemic of COVID-19 taking into account the diversity of circumstances that can affect people and limit their participation in the traditional format.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Abstracts, for oral and poster presentation
- Full papers, only for oral presentation
For poster presentations, only the abstract is required.
For oral presentations, after acceptance of the abstract, the authors will be able to send the full paper, following the instructions provided on the conference site.
The Scientific Committee will make the final decision regarding acceptance as an oral or poster presentation, depending on the quality, originality and relevance of the article.
Format for Abstract only:
The abstract must be in the following languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. It should be written and edited in Word or Open Document format (.doc, .docx, .odt). The page configuration should be A4 and all margins at 3.0 cm (top, bottom, left and right).
The abstract should be organized in the following way:
- Tittle: must be short, concise and informative (centered, Arial 14 in bold and capital letters, single spacing).
- Names and affiliations of the authors. Below the title and to the right, should be the names of the authors (Arial 12, bold, single spacing). Then there must be the institutional affiliation, addresses and emails of all the authors (Arial 10, single spacing). Mark the correspondence author with an asterisk (*) after the name.
Please, indicate names, affiliation and address of the authors as illustrated:
Author1 Name Last Name1,*, Author2 Name Last Name2, Author3 Name Last Name 1,2
1 Institution 1, Faculty, Program or Investigation Group. Address, City, Country.
E-mail: author1@...
2 Institution 2, Faculty, Program or Investigation Group. Address, City, Country.
E-mail: author2@...
E-mail: author3@...
- Principal text: should be informative, with up to 800 words (Arial 12, single spacing), and give an overview of the content of the article referring to purpose, methods, results, discussions and conclusions. Use italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses). Do not include tables, charts or images.
- Keywords. Please, include at least 3 keywords that are related to the main topics of the article (Arial 12, single spacing, separated by commas). Keywords are used for indexation purposes and should be in the 3 languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish).
ONLY if the abstract is accepted for oral presentation, the authors will be able to send the corresponding full paper. Submission of the full paper is not mandatory.
List of Topics
Thematic areas:
- Production of goods and services, and industrial restructuring.
- Management of critical resources for Latin America: energy, water and food.
- Industrial symbiosis and circular economy.
- Purchase and supply management.
- Waste and recycling management.
- Buildings, mobility and smart cities.
- Land use planning.
- Education, communication and capacity development (ICTs).
- International agreements.
- Competitiveness and government policies.
Transversal areas:
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
- Environmental Footprints.
- Social LCA.
- Life Cycle Costing.
- Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment.
- Organizational LCA.
- LCA Databases.
- Ecolabelling, EPD, PCR.
- Industrial Ecology.
- LCA-based Eco-design.
- Multiobjective optimization and LCA.
- Input-output analysis and LCA.
CILCA 2021 is organized by the RICV (Ibero-American Life Cycle Network) and the RACV (Argentine Life Cycle Network).
- Chair: Roxana Piastrellini
- Co-Chair: Leila Schein
- Co-Chair: Alejandro Pablo Arena
- Co-Chair: Bárbara Civit
We hope to see you at CILCA 2021, either in Buenos Aires (Argentina) or virtually, to encourage immediate and sustainable actions.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to