![]() | CCS2019: Conference on Complex Systems 2019 Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore, September 30-October 4, 2019 |
Conference website | http://event.ntu.edu.sg/ccs2019/Pages/Home.aspx |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ccs2019 |
Abstract registration deadline | April 30, 2019 |
Submission deadline | April 30, 2019 |
The Conference on Complex Systems (CCS) is the biggest and most important annual meeting of the international complex systems community. It comes under the auspices of the Complex Systems Society. Since its inception in 2004, CCS had always been Europe-based, but in 2015 & 2017, it moved to North & Latin America respectively.
In 2019, CCS will come to Asia for the first time. Held in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University, it promises to be an intellectually stimulating experience to be matched by an equally exciting social programme.
Submission Guidelines & Important Dates
Please submit extended abstracts (with figures and references, up to 2 pages) to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ccs2019. We welcome the following categories:
- Oral presentations are short 15-min talks, followed by 5-min questions and answers for the Parallel Sessions (30 Sep 2019, 1 Oct 2019, 4 Oct 2019), on one of the main themes listed in this call.
- Posters will be displayed prominently for a whole day, during the Poster Sessions on 30 Sep 2019, 1 Oct 2019, and 4 Oct 2019. Poster presenters are expected to be at their poster during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
- Ignites are short 5-min talks without questions and answers to share exciting research ideas, during special Ignite Sessions.
Abstract submission will open on 4 Jan 2019, and close on 30 Apr 2019. Successive authors will be notified by 15 Jun 2019, and presenters must register by the 5 Jul 2019 (the end of the Early Bird period) to have their presentations confirmed in the final programme. Each presenter can be registered for at most two presentations during the Parallel Sessions (not including presentations for the Plenary Sessions or Satellite Sessions).
We also welcome the submission of proposals for:
- Satellites sessions, which will be held on Wednesday, 2 Oct 2019 and Thursday, 3 Oct 2019. A satellite session may be either a half-day session or a full-day session. Longer 2-day satellite sessions will also be considered. Each satellite is organized and managed by its own committee, who are also responsible for reviewing proposed papers and working with presenters in the session.
Satellite proposals must include the following information:
- Title of Satellite Session
- Duration: 0.5/1.0/2.0 days
- Name(s) of Organizer(s)
- Motivation & Purpose
- Potential Invited Speakers
- Expected Number of Contributing Speakers & Participants
Satellite proposals should be submitted by email to CCS2019@ntu.edu.sg between 28 Jan 2019 and 4 Apr 2019. Organizers of successful proposals will be notified by 28 Apr 2019, so that they can set up their own website, and make their own CFP. Satellite organizers can decide on their own timelines, but we recommend that they close abstract submission by 10 Jul 2019, and notify successful satellite participants by 31 Jul 2019. Satellite organizers are then to ensure their participants are registered for CCS2019, so that they can submit their satellite programs by 10 Aug 2019.
List of Topics
- Foundations of Complex Systems
(Complex networks, self-organization, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, mathematical modeling and simulation) - Information & Communication Technologies
(Internet, WWW, search, semantic web, blockchain, and bitcoins) - Cognition & Linguistics
(Evolution of language, social consensus, artificial intelligence, cognitive processes & education) - Economics & Finance
(Social networks, game theory, stock market & crises and business organizations) - Infrastructure, Planning & Environment
(Critical infrastructures, urban planning, mobility, transport & energy and smart cities) - Biological & (Bio) Medical Complexity
(Biological networks, systems biology, evolution, medicine and physiology) - Socio-Ecological Systems
(Global environmental change, green growth, sustainability & resilience and culture) - Complexity in Physics & Chemistry
- Public Policy Applications of Complexity Science
Complex Systems Society Steering Committee
- Guido Calderalli (President, Complex Systems Society; IMT Lucca, ITALY)
- Alain Barrat (Vice President-Treasurer, Complex Systems Society; Centre de Physique Theorique, FRANCE)
- Elisa Omodei (Vice President-Secretary, Complex Systems Society; UNICEF Office of Innovation, USA)
- Yamir Moreno (Advisor to CCS2019; Chair of Steering Committee; Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI), SPAIN)
- Panos Argyrakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE)
- Federico Botta (Warwick Business School, UK)
- Siew Ann Cheong (Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Francesc Font-Clos (University of Milan, ITALY)
- Marton Karsai (École normale supérieure de Lyon, FRANCE)
- Jose Luis Mateos (National Autonomous University of Mexico, MEXICO)
- Sandro Meloni (University of Zaragoza, SPAIN)
- Nicola Perra (Business School of Greenwich University, UK)
- Chiara Poletto (EPIcx lab, FRANCE)
- Hiroki Sayama (Binghamton University, USA)
- Samir Suweis (University of Padova, ITALY)
- Stefano Zapperi (University of Milano, ITALY)
Local Organizing committee
- Siew Ann Cheong (CCS2019 Conference Chair; Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Peter M. A. Sloot (CCS2019 Conference Deputy Chair; Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- J. Stephen Lansing (CCS2019 Conference Deputy Chair; Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Bee Wee Ng (CCS2019 Secretary; Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Roland Bouffanais (Singapore University of Technology and Design, SINGAPORE)
- Mile Gu (Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Joo Seng Tan (Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Kok Khoo Phua (Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE)
- Peter Jackson (Singapore University of Technology and Design , SINGAPORE)
- Hans R. Heinimann (Singapore-ETH Centre, SINGAPORE)
- Aaron Maniam (Oxford University, UK)
- Pei Shan Lim (Strategy Group, Prime Minister's Office, SINGAPORE)
Regional Organizing Committee
- Acep Purqon (Bandung Institute of Technology, INDONESIA)
- Fatimah Abdul Razak (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA)
- Woo-Sung Jung (Pohang University of Science and Technology, KOREA)
- Christopher Monterola (Asian Institute of Management, PHILIPPINES)
- Murray Cox (Massey University, NEW ZEALAND)
- Zhangang Han (Beijing Normal University, CHINA)
International Organizing Committee
- Stefan Thurner (Complexity Science Hub @ Vienna, AUSTRIA)
- Janusz Holyst (Warsaw University of Technology, POLAND)
- Peter Vale (Johannesburg Institute of Advanced Study, SOUTH AFRICA)
- Cigdem Yalcin (Istanbul University, TURKEY)
Plenary Speakers (Confirmed)
- Tiziana Di Matteo (King's College London, UK)
- Lei Guo (National Center for Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science, CHINA)
- Sarika Jalan (Indian Institute of Technology Indore, INDIA)
- Neil Johnson (George Washington University, USA)
- Beom Jun Kim (Seungkyunkwan University, KOREA)
- Rika Preiser (Stellenbosch University, SOUTH AFRICA)
- Claudia Wagner (University of Koblenz-Landau, GERMANY)
- Sara Imari Walker (Arizona State University, USA)
Invited Speakers (Confirmed)
- Panos Argyrakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE)
- Meeyoung Cha (KAIST, KOREA)
- Vittoria Colizza (Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, FRANCE)
- Henrik Jensen (Imperial College, UK)
- Chih-Hao Hsieh (National Taiwan University, TAIWAN)
- Jennifer Lavers (University of Tasmania, AUSTRALIA)
- Saini Yang (State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Ecology Resources, Beijing Normal University, CHINA)
Special Lecture (Confirmed)
- Peter Hak Ean Ho (Senior Advisor to the Centre for Strategic Futures; Chairman, Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore (URA); Board Member, National Research Foundation (NRF), SINGAPORE)
The conference will be held in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), SINGAPORE.
SINGAPORE is a Southeast Asian City State at the crossroads between East and West. Every week, more than 7,000 flights from 400 cities and 100 airlines fly in to Changi International Airport, which is an international air travel hub with extensive connections to other air travel hubs in the world. Becoming a modern nation in less than 60 years after its Independence, Singapore boasts of cultural heritage from both the East and the West.
CCS2019 will be held on the lovely garden campus of NTU. Besides being the largest campus in Singapore, it has also been voted as one of the world’s 15 most beautiful campuses, with many iconic buildings and the unimitable Yunnan Garden.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to CCS2019@ntu.edu.sg.