![]() | AfricaCWIC2022: ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: AfricaCWIC2022 Virtual Virtual, Nigeria, May 11-12, 2022 |
Conference website | https://africacwic.acm.org/2022 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=africacwic2022 |
Submission deadline | April 29, 2022 |
The ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: AfricaCWIC2022 presents an opportunity for women in Africa to present their research to a wide audience. We support and encourage women in their chosen field. Let's celebrate together the great minds that drive revolution.
Posters and doctoral consortium papers provide AfricaCWIC participants with an opportunity to present their work, benefit from insightful feedback and discussion, exchange knowledge and establish collaborations.
We welcome submissions from all areas of computer science and computational sciences. As the theme of this year is “Building Revolutionary Digital Mindsets” we would like to encourage the authors to stress in their submissions:
- The revolutionary nature of their work (e.g., combining computing with other disciplines in new ways or breaking down barriers and redrawing boundaries in computing).
- The expected impact of their work on the mindsets of the computing community.
Submission guidelines:
- Authors should submit an abstract, which must include only the title and no author information. It must provide a concise overview of the research, and should not exceed one page (A4) in the ACM format, with bibliographic references on the next page.
- Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified and must then submit their posters within the time stipulated (see Important Dates).
- Submissions must be in English and fit the conference topics.
- The submissions must comply with the ACM Policy on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification.
Poster submissions can have multiple authors, at least one of whom must be female. At least one author of each accepted poster is expected to attend the event and present the poster.
For more information, please contact Drs Mistura Alaran and Audrey Mbogho at the e-mail address africacwic2022_posters@acm.org.
Doctroral Consortium
- Extended Abstract: This is the initial submission, which is one A4 page containing a title, a brief summary, a problem statement, the proposed solution and references
- Anonymized Abstract: only the title should appear at the top, with no author names or affiliations.
- Full Paper: Upon notification of acceptance, you will be expected to submit the full paper, which must be no more than 5 pages long, consisting of the following:
- An abstract of approximately 150 words;
- A brief background/literature review;
- Context and motivation;
- Problem statement;
- Research goals;
- Research methods/design;
- Current and expected contributions;
- References.
Please contact Consortium Chairs (africacwic2022_consortium@acm.org) for any further information:
- Prof. Adebayo Adekoya | University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, GHANA
- Prof. ‘Bukola Onashoga | Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun NIGERIA
Submission(s) should be made through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=africacwic2022)
Important dates:
Abstracts due (extended) |
14 April 2022 |
Notification of accepted abstracts/posters |
28 April 2022 |
Posters due |
05 May 2022 |
The camera-ready poster must include the ACM-W Europe logo and the ACM Celebration of Women in Computing logo.
Regional Chairs
AfricaCWIC Celebration Chair Onashoga AdeBukola, FUNAAB -
AfricaCWIC Celebration CoChair (East Africa) Jadesola Emmanuel -
AfricaCWIC Celebration CoChair (East Africa) Audrey Mbogho -
AfricaCWIC Celebration CoChair (South Africa) Rosemary Quiling -
AfricaCWIC Celebration CoChair (West Africa) Abigail Oppong
AfricaCWIC Steering Committee
ACM-W Regional Activities Chair Reyyan Ayfer -
ACM-W Europe Chair Ruth Lennon -
ACM-W Europe Vice-Chair Rukiye Altin
All questions about submissions should be emailed to africacwic2022_posters@acm.org