ADSAA-BIOMED2017: Special issue for the journal Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis - Adaptive Analysis Applied to Biomedical Data |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | October 31, 2017 |
Expected review completion date | February 2018 |
Expected publication date | April 2018 |
ADSAA-BIOMED2017 website | |
"Data are the direct record of an event, such as a natural phenomenon, a rocket launch, or engineering processes. The record can be taken by our eyes, ears, electronic sensors, or mechanical devices. We analyze the data, detect signals and make decisions. Thus, data provide connections between reality and us, and data analysis enables us to understand reality and to discover its underlying driving mechanisms. In this sense, data analysis is very different from data processing. The former emphasizes detailed decomposition and examination of data to extract underlying or hidden regularities ultimately leading to understanding of physical phenomena, while the latter often relies on transforming the data by established algorithms and machines to extract predefined feature of interest, remove the noise or output values of mathematical parameters. Adaptive data analysis takes a further step in interpretation of reality, by being driven by the content and properties of the data themselves, potentially providing deeper insights into the mechanisms underlying the phenomena under study."
In this special issue of the journal Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis (ADSAA-BIOMED2017), we invite authors to submit original research articles or reviews disseminating the use of adaptive analysis applied to biomedical data (e.g., biological signals, such as EMG, ECG, EEG, neural activity, medical images, biomechanical data). We also encourage the submission of work dealing with the use of adaptive analysis in thematic areas such as burgeoning datasets (Big Data) emerging as a result of wearable wireless systems, etc.
We have the following objectives:
- to identify and illustrate new applications of adaptive analysis of distinct types of biomedical data.
- to publish recent experimental, theoretical, and numerical results related to the use of adaptive analysis in the context of biomedical data, as well as comprehensive review papers.
Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Bayesian methods, Kalman filtering, and machine learning techniques may be considered adaptive analysis.
There is no page charge for this journal.
Accepted and published papers will be indexed in
- Academic OneFile
- Baidu
- CnpLINKer
- Compendex
- Computer & Information Systems Abstracts
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
- Ebsco Discovery Service
- EBSCO Electronic Journal Service (EJS)
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- ExLibris Primo Central
- Google Scholar
- J-Gate
- Mathematical Reviews® (MR)
- Naver
- National Science and Technology Libraries (NSTL)
- OCLC WorldCat®
- Scopus
- The Summon® Service
Submission Guidelines
Any manuscript or review paper pertaining either to theoretical development or practical applications of adaptive data analysis methods to biomedical data is welcome.
1. Contributors should prepare their manuscript in English according to the journal style and submit it via the EasyChair for ADSAA-BIOMED2017 Platform. At the reviewing stage your paper must be uploaded in PDF format. The MS Word or LaTex2e manuscript source files will be required after acceptance.
2. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not under consideration for publication with other journals. All contributions should be written in English with a brief abstract, a list of keywords, and corresponding author's mailing address. Authors are requested to include in the manuscript the mailing address to which proofs and a reprint order form should be sent.
3. All figures should be included in the manuscript with clear captions.
Page charge and color figures
4. There is no page charge for this journal.
5. The journal will produce color figures online, and black & white figures in its print edition, at no charge. Authors providing color figures for the online edition must provide black & white versions of the figures for the print edition.
The journal will produce color figures in the print edition at an additional cost. Contributors will be requested to cover the following additional cost:
- US$200 for each color illustration.
6. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) is/are assumed to have transferred the copyright of the article to the publisher.
7. A biographical sketch and photograph of each author are to be supplied to the Publisher.
8. The first author of every published article will be provided with a free PDF of the published submission. Purchase orders for additional reprints can be made on order forms available upon request.
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in:
ADSAA Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Samuel S.P. Shen, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA (
Leading Guest Editors
- Prof. Adriano O. Andrade, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil (
- Prof. Slawomir J. Nasuto, University of Reading, Reading, UK (
Associate Guest Editors
- Dr. Catherine M. Sweeney-Reed, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany (
- Dr. Nicoletta Nicolaou, University of Reading, Reading, UK (
- Prof. Marcus Fraga Vieira, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil (
- Prof. Teodiano Freire Bastos, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória, Brazil (
- Dr. Sri Krishnan, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada (
- Dr. Leonardo Abdala Elias, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil (
- Dr. Steffen Walter, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany (
Enquiries should be addressed to Prof. Adriano Andrade (leading guest editor):