![]() | 3rd IC2MS: 3rd International Conference on Chemistry & Material Science Department of Chemistry - University of Jember (Zoom Meeting) Jember, Indonesia, October 12-13, 2021 |
Conference website | http://ic2ms.fmipa.unej.ac.id/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3rdic2ms |
Abstract registration deadline | August 6, 2021 |
Submission deadline | September 10, 2021 |
Conference Theme
"Innovation of Material Science for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry"
The International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science (IC2MS) is a regular conference held every two years. The conference was initiated by the Department of Chemistry Brawijaya University. The previous conference (1st IC2MS and 2nd IC2MS) was successfully organized in Malang. Both conference was followed by the participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Brunei Darussalam, and Australia with more than 40 universities/institutions involved as the presenter’s and/or author’s affiliations.
Then, the consortium of the Department of Chemistry from Brawijaya University, University of Jember, and State university of Malang decided to organize this conference together. Nowadays, the 3rd IC2MS will be organized by the Department of the Chemistry University of Jember. The theme of the conference is “Innovation on Material Science for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry”. The conference will be held on October 12nd-13rd, 2021 by online meeting due to pandemic COVID-19 reason. The conference consists of a plenary session by keynote speakers, and parallel sessions (including the invited speaker). Because of the online, the conference will not provide Poster presentations.
The conference covers not only in chemistry area (Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry), but also in material science such as molecular structures, functional material, material synthesis and characterization, nanomaterials, and nano-devices, as well as renewable energy and fuel cell. Even though the conference by online, we believe that the conference will improve the academic atmosphere and open the opportunity for research collaboration among researchers, Industrial practitioners, and the government.
Important Date
Registration Date | June 13rd – October 11st, 2021 |
Abstract Submission Deadline |
September 9th, 2021 (Regular) |
Fullpaper Submission Deadline |
October 1st, 2021 |
Payment for Speakers Deadline | October 4th, 2021 |
Payment for Participants Deadline | October 11st, 2021 |
Conference Date | October 12nd – 13rd, 2021 |
List of Topics
- Material Science
- Catalyst and Catalisis
- Coordination Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Organometalic Chemistry
- Chemical Instrumentation
- Chemo-Sensor & Biosensor
- Analytical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Midicinal Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Chemical engineering
- Industrial Chemistry
Steering Committee
- Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Universitas Jember)
- Dr. Bambang Piluharto, M.Si. (Universitas Jember)
- Drs. Zulfikar, Ph.D. (Universitas Jember)
- Dr. Sumari, M.Si. (Universitas Negeri Malang)
- Yuniar Ponco Pranoto, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Universitas Brawijaya)
Organizing committee
- Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, M.Si.
- Dwi Indarti, S.Si., M.Si.
- Ika Oktavianawati, S.Si., M.Sc.
- Yudi Aris Sulistiyo, S.Si., M.Si.
Scientific committee
- Siswoyo, Ph.D. (Coordinator, University of Jember)
- Suwardiyanto, Ph.D. (University of Jember)
- Sudarko, Ph.D. (University of Jember)
- Tri Mulyono, M.Si. (University of Jember)
- I Nyoman Adi Winata, M.Si. (University of Jember)
- Eli Hendrik Sanjaya, Ph.D. (State university of Malang)
- Ubed Sonai Fachruddin Arrozi, Ph.D. (State university of Malang)
- Dr. Nazriati, M.Si. (State university of Malang)
- Dr. Yuniar Ponco Prananto (Brawijaya University)
- D.Sc. Lukman Hakim (Brawijaya University)
- D.Sc. Akhmad Sabarudin (Brawijaya University)
- Anna Safitri, Ph.D. (Brawijaya University)
- Masruri, Ph.D. (Brawijaya University)
Keynote Speakers
- Prof. Russel Howe (University of Aberdeen, UK)
- Prof. David Lennon (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Prof. Manabu Abe (Hiroshima University, Japan)
- Prof. Yong-Chien Ling (Tsing Hua University, ROC)
- Prof. Byung Dae Park (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
- Dr. Hasliza Bahruji (Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam)
Invited Speakers
- Ana Safitri, Ph.D (Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia)
- Dr. Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum (Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia)
- Zulfikar, Ph.D (Universitas Jember, Indonesia)
- Nanang Masruchin, Ph.D. (Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Indonesia)
- AIP Conference Proceding (Scopus)
- Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (SINTA-2)
- Jurnal Kimia Valensi (SINTA-2)
Abstract Template
Write down your abstract in English. Prepare an informative abstract of up to 300 words based on the complete paper. The abstract should provide a concise synthesis of the entire paper, including the purpose of the study, method, main findings, and interpretation of their significance. The abstract should not contain any equations, symbols and references.
Keywords: Write 4 or 5 keywords or phrase in alphabetic sequence which is each word separated by coma (,).
All questions about submissionsplease contact at:
- e-mail: ic2ms@unej.ac.id
- website: ic2ms.fmipa.unej.ac.id
- phone: Mr. Yudi +62 813-3511-9674, Mrs. Ika +62 813-3662-8911
- Address: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Jember. Jln. Kalimantan No. 37, Kampus Tegalboto Jember, Jawa Timur, 68121, Indonesia