![]() | 3rd WBDS LA: 3rd Women in Bioinformatics & Data Science LA Conference Virtual Meeting September 20-23, 2022 |
Conference website | https://wbds.la/conferences/3WBDSLAC/index.html |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3rdwbdsla |
The 3rd Women in Bioinformatics & Data Science LA Conference will bring together researchers from Latin America working in systems biology, omics technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, data mining and high-performance computing with applications to Biology and public and private sectors.
One of the main purposes of the conference is to promote and make visible the research carried out by women in the field of bioinformatics and data science. That is why all the speakers will be women, although the conference is open to everyone. We want to create a space to promote collaboration, exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences, providing an excellent opportunity to build research networks between leading researchers in science and technology from various institutions and countries in Latin America.
Participants will have the opportunity to interact with women leaders in the fields of IT and academic research. The program will include scientific lectures, posters and oral presentations. It will also have a space for education, specific training courses and round tables.
The Congress will be VIRTUAL.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts must be submitted in ENGLISH, no more than 300 words long, and submitted as a PDF file following the template available at https://bit.ly/2yaJLuN. All abstracts must be original and fit into any topic of the event. The authors will have the opportunity of proposing it for oral presentation, although the Scientific Committee will determine whether it will be presented as oral or poster.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3rdwbdsla
Genes and Genomics
RNA and Transcriptomics
Phylogeny and Evolution
Proteins and Proteomics
Biomolecular Simulations and Structural Bioinformatics
Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery
Machine Learning
Data mining and Big Data Analysis
Artificial Intelligence in Health
Systems Biology
Bioinformatics and Diseases
Database and Software Development
Important dates
Abstract (poster /talk) submission opens May 15, 2022
Abstract (poster /talk) submission deadline July 11, 2022
Poster or talk acceptance decision August 10, 2022
Video Submission September 10, 2022
Registration deadline September 15, 2022
All questions about submissions should be emailed to womenbioinformaticsnetworkla@gmail.com
The official site of the congress is https://wbds.la/conferences/3WBDSLAC/index.html . All the important information about the conference and the submissions are on the page.