2024 AA - Papers: 2024 AES Automotive Audio Conference - Papers Uni3 by Geely Gothenburg, Sweden, June 26-28, 2024 |
Conference website | https://aes2.org/events-calendar/2024-aes-automotive-audio-conference/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2024aapapers |
Submission deadline | April 17, 2024 |
In the last two decades, Automotive Audio has undergone a radical transformation from basic mono sound to sophisticated multichannel systems tailored to each vehicle. Today, cutting-edge sound technologies are reshaping the role of audio in automobiles. This shift is not only about enhancing passenger experience but also involves designing the distinct sound profile of the moving vehicle. Factors like streaming, ride-sharing, autonomy, Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), and evolving ownership models are influencing this field. The conference will highlight the current state-of-the-art and interdisciplinary aspects of Automotive Audio, combining fields such as immersive audio, artificial and augmented intelligence, virtual reality, power electronics, signal processing, acoustics, and more.
Submission Guidelines
Since the conference follows the AES peer review publication process, FULL papers or substantially completed manuscripts (4–8 pages) are to be submitted by 17 March 2024 using the conference's EasyChair submission system. Templates for preparing papers are also available at that site (viewable when login on easychair then click "New Submission"). Papers and author information may be submitted anytime after 12 April 2021. Authors may contact the papers chairs (aa24_papers@aes.org) in advance of the full paper submission date, regarding the suitability of paper topics, or for an informal review of an abstract/précis. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the conference review committee and authors will be informed of the decision before or by 12 April 2024. Final versions of papers following any revisions guided by the committee’s review must be submitted by 31 May 2024. The conference program will include an oral presentation of papers.
Program Committee
- Dr. Ing. Samira Mohamady, Papers Chair
- Greg Sikora, Papers Vice-Chair
List of Topics
Immersive Automotive Audio
- Immersive audio format playback
- Tuning Immersive Audio in vehicle systems
- Immersive upmixing of stereo sources
- Downmixing of immersive sources for automotive systems
- Objective testing and validating immersive system performance
- Subjective testing and validating immersive system performance
Artificial Intelligence in Automotive Audio Applications
- The Generative AI LLM Revolution (ChatGPT)
- Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- Voice activity detection and voice command application (interior & exterior)
- Acoustic event detection and acoustic situation awareness (e.g., Siren detection and localization)
- Personalized Audio Experiences
- Sound Source Localization and Spatial Audio
- AI/ML for signal processing applications
System Architecture and Hardware
- System concepts
- Concepts of reproducing low-frequencies
- Transducers/Amplifier technologies and concepts
- Software defined audio systems
- Test/Measurement method and equipment
- Tactile transducers
- Trim panel actuators
Sound Reproduction in Cars
- Interaction between content creation & audio reproduction
- Sound field control
- DSP algorithms (temporal/spectral/spatial)
- Computer-aided tuning methods
- Communication technologies
Active Sound Management and Solutions
- Active noise control system architectures
- An acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS)
- Vehicle sound design (internal and external)
Virtual Acoustics
- Simulations
- Auralization
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Virtual Product Development (Digital Twins)
Evaluation of Sound Quality
- Subjective
- Objective
- Loudness
- Roughness
- Distortion
- Standards
- Speech Intelligibility/Quality
Voice & Speech
- In-car communication
- Speech processing algorithms
- Voice-based passenger monitoring
Future Technologies for Automotive Audio
- Autonomous Vehicle Audio Systems
- Novel entertainment experiences
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Paper Chair: aa24_papers@aes.org