2020ICFLSA: 2020 International Conference on Foreign Language Studies and Application Providence University Taichung, Taiwan, May 14-15, 2020 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2020icflsa |
Abstract registration deadline | September 30, 2019 |
Submission deadline | January 10, 2020 |
Final Manuscript | March 31, 2020 |
Registration Due | March 31, 2020 |
2020 International Conference on Foreign Language Studies and Application (ICFLSA), May14-15, 2020, will focus on Language Teaching, Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Children’s literature/teaching and International Education (in English, Japanese, or Spanish). The conference will be held on the beautiful campus of Providence University (靜宜大學), Taichung, Taiwan. We cordially invite language teaching scholars, teachers, practitioners, and administrators to submit proposals for the presentation of your research and conceptual work.
2020靜宜大學外語學院語文研究與應用國際學術研討會(ICFLSA)將於民國109年(西元2020年) 5月14-15日,假台中靜宜大學舉行。本研討會主題多元,涵蓋領域包括文學、文化、語言學、語言教學、兒童文學/教學,以及國際教育(語言種類包括英文、日文、西班牙文)。謹在此誠摯邀請學界、教師、研究人員、研究生踴躍投稿,共襄盛舉,參與盛會分享研究成果。
Conference Website:
Important Dates:
1. Abstract (500 words) Submission Deadline: September 30, 2019
2. Notification of Acceptance: October 14, 2019
3. Paper Submission: January 10, 2020
※Authors are invited to submit papers in English, Spanish, or Japanese, (only Children’s Literature can be submitted in Chinese) not exceeding 10 one-column pages (Double Space, 12pt). Papers exceeding the page limit will be rejected without review.
※Submission Mail: puenglish45@gmail.com
※Contact: Assistant Chih-Hsing Edward Chang (chchang3@pu.edu.tw) or Prof. Wen-Ying Patience Ting (weting@pu.edu.tw)
4. Registration Due: March 31, 2020
5. Final Manuscript: March 31, 2020
1. 摘要投稿(500字),投稿期限:2019年9月30日(一)
2. 摘要接受通知:2019年10月07日(一)
3. 全文稿件收件截止日:2020年1月10日(五)
1. 壁報發表需來稿(海報內容皆須含中英(日、西)文篇名、中英(日、西)文摘要、中英文關鍵字、作者中英文姓名、作者中英文單位名稱、正文、圖表、參考文獻、附錄等,中文字體為標楷體、英文字體為Times New Roman),日文為MS明朝2-4頁。
2. 壁報發表一經錄取,請發表者依照大會提供的格式設計A1大小海報(海報底圖版型10底會於網站提供),於會議當天自行攜帶並張貼於大會會場,同時請海報發表者在中場茶敘時間於報架旁,向評審委員說明研究綱要,以利最佳海報評選程序。口頭發表者請於2020年04月30日(四)前回傳報告之Power Point(PPT底圖版型4:3、16:9)。口頭及海報發表者當天至少須有一位作者至本研討會進行全文報告(口頭)和海報分享(海報)。
The Providence 2020 ICFLSA Award (靜宜大學2020 ICFLSA論文獎)
At the end of the conference, the most innovative presenters will be awarded various grand prizes, including Best Graduate Student Presentation Award and Best Graduate Student Paper Award.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Lara Luetkehans Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) Dean of the College of Education and Communications |
Dr. José Ignacio Díez Fernández Universidad Complutense Madrid Director del Centro Complutense para la Enseñanza del Español (CCEE) |
Dr. KIKUCHI Noriyuki 菊池律之(キクチノリユキ) 天理大学国際学部教授 |
Conference Themes:
◎ Language Teaching (in English, Japanese or Spanish)
◎ Linguistics (in English, Japanese or Spanish)
◎ Literature (in English, Japanese or Spanish)
◎ Culture (in English, Japanese or Spanish)
◎ Children’s literature/teaching (in English, Japanese or Spanish)
◎ International Education (in English, Japanese or Spanish)
Program Committee
- Li-Jung Tseng Providence University, Taiwan
- Wen-Ying Ting Providence University, Taiwan
- Tsai-Wen Hsu Providence University, Taiwan
- Tsai-Wen Hsu Providence University, Taiwan
- Ruoh-Shan Chiou Providence University, Taiwan
Organizing committee
- Providence University, Taiwan (靜宜大學)
- College of Foreign Languages and Literature (外語學院)
- Department of English Language, Literature, and Linguistics. (英國語文學系)
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature (西班牙語文學系)
- Department of Japanese Language and Literature (日本語文學系)