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09:00-10:15 Session 23A: WPTE Opening and Invited Talk by Andy Gill on HERMIT
Location: FH, Hörsaal 4
HERMIT: An Equational Reasoning Model to Implementation Rewrite System for Haskell
SPEAKER: Andrew Gill

ABSTRACT. HERMIT is a rewrite system for Haskell. Haskell, a pure functional programming language, is an ideal candidate for performing equational reasoning. Equational reasoning, replacing equals with equals, is a tunneling mechanism between different, but equivalent, programs. The ability to be agile in representation and implementation, but retain equivalence, brings many benefits. Post-hoc  optimization is one obvious application of representation agility.

What we want to explore is the mechanization of rewriting, inside real Haskell programs, enabling the prototyping of new optimizations, the explicit use of types to direct transformations, and perform larger data refinement tasks than are currently undertaken. Paper and pencil program transformations have been published that improve performance in a principled way; indeed some have turned the act of program transformation into an art form. But there is only so far a sheet of paper and a pencil can take you. There are also source code development environments
that provide support for refactoring, such as HaRe. These work at the syntactical level, and Haskell is a large and complex language.
What we want is mechanization, for examples that are currently undertaken by hand, and for examples that are challenging to perform using
current development environments.

In this talk, we overview HERMIT, the Haskell equational reasoning model to implementation tunnel.

HERMIT operates at the Glasgow Haskell compiler's Core level, deep inside GHC, where type information is easy to obtain, and the language being rewritten is smaller.   HERMIT provides three levels of support for transformation and prototyping: a strategic programming base with many typed rewrite primitives, a simple shell that can used to interactively request rewrites and explore transformation possibilities, and a batch language that can mechanize focused, and optionally program specific, optimizations. We will demonstrate all three of these levels, and show how they cooperate.

The explicit aim of the HERMIT project is to explore the worker/wrapper transformation as a specific way of mechanizing data refinement. HERMIT has been successfully used on small examples, efficient reverse, tupling-fib, and many other examples from the literature. We will show two larger and more interesting examples of program transformation using HERMIT. Specifically, we will show the mechanization of the making a century program refinement pearl, originally by Richard Bird, and the exploration of datatype alternatives in Graham Hutton's implementation of John Conway's Game of Life.

10:15-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-13:00 Session 26C: Concurrency, Unfolding, Pi-Calculus, Reaction Networks
Location: FH, Hörsaal 4
Verifying Optimizations for Concurrent Programs

ABSTRACT. While program correctness for compiled languages depends fundamentally on compiler correctness, compiler optimizations are not usually formally verified due to the effort involved, particularly in the presence of concurrency. In this paper, we present a framework for stating and reasoning about compiler optimizations and transformations on programs in the presence of relaxed memory models. The core of the framework is the PTRANS specification language, in which program transformations are expressed as rewrites on control flow graphs with temporal logic side conditions. We demonstrate our technique by verifying the correctness of a redundant store elimination optimization in a simple LLVM-like intermediate language, relying on a theorem that allows us to lift single-thread simulation relations to simulations on multithreaded programs.

Inverse Unfold Problem and Its Heuristic Solving

ABSTRACT. Unfold/fold transformations have been widely studied in various programming paradigms and are used in program transformations, theorem proving, and so on. This paper, by using an example, show that restoring an one-step unfolding is not easy, i.e., a challenging task, since some rules used by unfolding may be lost. We formalize this problem by regarding one-step program transformation as a relation. Next we discuss some issues on a specific framework, called pure-constructor systems, which constitute a subclass of conditional term rewriting systems. We show that the inverse of $T$ preserves rewrite relations if $T$ preserves rewrite relations and the signature. We propose a heuristic procedure to solve the problem, and show its successful examples. We improve the procedure, and show examples for which the improvement takes effect.

Short break
Structural Rewriting in the Pi-Calculus
SPEAKER: David Sabel

ABSTRACT. We consider reduction in the synchronous pi-calculus with replication, without sums. Usual definitions of reduction in the pi-calculus use a closure w.r.t. structural congruence of processes. In this paper we operationalize structural congruence by providing a reduction relation for pi-processes which also performs necessary structural conversions explicitly by rewrite rules. As we show, a subset of structural congruence axioms is sufficient. We show that our rewrite strategy is equivalent to the usual strategy including structural congruence w.r.t. the observation of barbs and thus w.r.t. may- and should-testing equivalence in the pi-calculus.

Attractor Equivalence: An Observational Semantics for Reaction Networks
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We study observational semantics for networks of chemical reactions as used in systems biology. Reaction networks without kinetic information, as we consider, can be identified with Petri nets. We present a new observational semantics for reaction networks that we call the attractor equivalence. The main idea of the attractor equivalence is to observe reachable attractors and reachability of an attractor divergence in all possible contexts. The attractor equivalence can support powerful simplifications for reaction networks as we illustrate at the example of the Tet-On system. Alternative semantics based on bisimulations or traces, in contrast, do not support all needed simplifications.

13:00-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-16:00 Session 31B: Conditional Rewriting, Polymorphic Calculi
Location: FH, Hörsaal 4
On Proving Soundness of the Computationally Equivalent Transformation for Normal Conditional Term Rewriting Systems by Using Unravelings
SPEAKER: Naoki Nishida

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we show that the SR transformation, a computationally equivalent transformation proposed by Serbanuta and Rosu, is sound for weakly left-linear normal conditional term rewriting systems (CTRS). Here, soundness for a CTRS means that reduction of the transformed unconditional term rewriting system (TRS) creates no undesired reduction for the CTRS. We first show that every reduction sequence of the transformed TRS starting with a term corresponding to the one considered on the CTRS is simulated by the reduction of the TRS obtained by the simultaneous unraveling. Then, we use the fact that the unraveling is sound for weakly left-linear normal CTRSs.

Contextual Equivalences in Call-by-Need and Call-By-Name Polymorphically Typed Calculi (Preliminary Report)

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a call-by-need polymorphically typed lambda-calculus with letrec, case, constructors and seq. The typing of the calculus is modelled in a system-F style. Contextual equivalence is used as semantics of expressions. We also define a call-by-name variant without letrec. We adapt several tools and criteria for recognizing correct program transformations to polymorphic typing, in particular an inductive applicative simulation.

Verifying the Correctness of Tupling Transformations based on Conditional Rewriting
SPEAKER: Yuki Chiba

ABSTRACT. Chiba et al.\ (2010) proposed a framework of program transformation by templates based on term rewriting. Their framework can deal with tupling, which improve efficiency of programs. Outputs of their framework, however, may not always more efficient than inputs. In this paper, we propose a technique to show the correctness of tupling based on conditional term rewriting. We give an extended equational logic in order to add conditional rules.

16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Session 34C: Conditional Term Rewriting, Complexity and WPTE Closing
Location: FH, Hörsaal 4
Notes on Structure-Preserving Transformations of Conditional Term Rewrite Systems
SPEAKER: Karl Gmeiner

ABSTRACT. Transforming conditional term rewrite systems (CTRSs) into unconditional systems (TRSs) is a common approach to analyze properties of CTRSs via the simpler framework of unconditional rewriting. In the past many different transformations have been introduced for this purpose. One class of transformations, so-called unravelings, have been analyzed extensively in the past.

In this paper we provide an overview on another class of transformations that we call structure-preserving transformations. In these transformations the structure of the conditional rule, in particular their left-hand side is preserved in contrast to unravelings. We provide an overview of transformations of this type and define a new transformation that improves previous approaches.

A Complexity Preserving Transformation from Jinja Bytecode to Rewrite Systems
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We revisit known transformations from object-oriented bytecode programs to rewrite systems from the viewpoint of runtime complexity. Suitably generalising the constructions proposed in the literature, we define an alternative representation of Jinja bytecode (JBC) executions as computation graphs from which we obtain a representation of JBC executions as constrained rewrite systems. We show that the transformation is complexity preserving. We restrict to non-recursive methods and make use of heap shape pre-analyses.
