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13:15-14:15 Session 2
Marianne Sletten Paasch (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Tom Nesmith (University of Manitoba, Canada)
Archives, The Public Square and Digital Public Infrastructure
14:15-14:45Coffee break
14:45-15:35 Session 3
Greg Bak (University of Manitoba, Canada)
‘My lack of voice’: human-centred recordkeeping

ABSTRACT. In family settings stories, photographs and memory objects document significant events, celebrations and milestones and support narratives of identity and belonging. But for some people, such as looked-after children, these are missing. Children in care often lack such narratives, especially where their experience has been complex, disrupted or traumatic. They may be unable to fill gaps in their memories or answer questions about their early lives. Collaborative research at UCL brought together care leavers, academics, social workers and information professionals to explore the challenges this presents. MIRRA (Memory, Identity, Rights in Records, Access) is an AHRC-funded project, co-produced with The Care Leavers’ Association. Since 2017, MIRRA has explored information rights in the context of child social care in England, particularly from the perspective of care-experienced people who sought access to records about their childhood later in life. MIRRA identified preservation and access challenges with child social care recording. Critically, the voices, experiences and feelings of the children themselves are rarely captured. Young people often don’t know what has been written and kept in their records, and have no access to records management systems. Social care recordkeeping reflects their broader experience of powerlessness and lack of self-determination over their own lives, an inequality which may have long term impacts on personal history, identity and belonging. The lack of voice is one of the most powerful symbols of the information inequality experienced by care leavers. A follow-on project MIRRA+ with OLM Systems, a major social care software provider, developed a digital recordkeeping app specification which will enable young people to collaborate in the creation and content of records while they are in care. This paper will draw on the findings of the research which supports a fundamental shift towards participatory recordkeeping in child social care, to explore more human-centred approaches to recordkeeping.

Maria Kallberg Khanahmadi (Mid Sweden University, Faculty of Science, Technology and Media, Department of Information systems and Technology, Sweden)
Lisa Knutsson Fröjd (Region Gävleborg, Enhet för informationssäkerhet, Sweden)
Privacy and Rights-in-Records in the Digital Age - A Conflict or Opportunity for Collaboration?

ABSTRACT. This paper is based on the legislation on privacy and archives in the Swedish context. It will discuss the issue of privacy and rights-in-records in the digital age and whether this is a conflict or opportunity for collaboration. In addition, it will deal with the issue of data minimization and storage limitation versus appraisal and long-term preservation, as this could be considered an area of conflict. The research is carried out in Sweden where records management is understood as a dimension of the archival function and the recordkeeping legislation is based on long administrative traditions in which the public right of free access to official documents (records) is fundamental. However, since the European Union decided on and adopted the directive General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, personal data that is processed is to be adequate, relevant, and not too extensive in relation to the purpose. In practice this means that no other personal data can be processed than what is necessary and clearly connected to the purpose. In fact, it is not allowed to collect personal data for undefined future needs. How does this affect the individual’s right to protect personal data? Is it a conflict for long-term-preservation, or could it promote collaboration and pro-activity by putting the individual at the centre? Finally, a method will be presented that steers away from conflict, towards collaboration.

15:35-15:45Short break
15:45-16:35 Session 4
Marianne Sletten Paasch (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Lars-Erik Hansen (TAM-Archives, Norway)
Private archive digitization and resource needs – opportunities or challenges

ABSTRACT. In Sweden there are three private archive institutions with archives of national interest: the Labour Movement Archives and Library (ARAB, Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek), TAM-Arkiv and the Centre for Business History (Cfn, Centrum för näringslivshistoria). They have a catchment area that covers the entire Swedish business community, the cultural heritage of the Swedish model relies on these three institutions to provide a comprehensive picture of working life in Sweden. In addition, there is a regional network of popular movement and business archive institutions. Digital information management currently dominates completely within the organizations that create archives deposited within the above archive institutions. Expectations are running high that archives be preserved, nurtured and made available digitally. The work to live up to expectations is ongoing and digitally created information is stored digitally. In addition, documents are digitized and made available digitally (Black 2012 och Cameron & Kenderdine 2007). The purpose of this presentation is to provide an insight into the work and describe the challenges or opportunities that digitization entails for the private archival institutions in Sweden.

Literature: Theorizing digital cultural heritage : a critical discourse (eds. Fiona Cameron & Sarah Kenderdine), The MIT Press 2007. Transforming museums in the twenty-first century, Black, Graham, Routledge, New York 2012.

Isto Huvila (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Ekta Vats (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Zanna Friberg (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Lisa Börjesson (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Jessica Kaiser (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Olle Sköld (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Automatic identification of archival paradata using artificial intelligence techniques
PRESENTER: Isto Huvila

ABSTRACT. Apart from the lack of information on what archival records are about—described using metadata—there is an increasing awareness of that the lack of understanding of the contexts and processes of how records were created and how they have been manipulated (i.e. data about creation, curation and use processes, or paradata). This poses a significant hindrance to their effective management, preservation, findability and use. However, typically the records themselves contain a lot of information that qualifies as paradata. The problem is that it is dispersed throughout the material and can be difficult to find and use. Moreover, paradata can be identified in text, images (incl. photographs and drawings) and tabular data in the records. This presentation reports findings from a pilot project that investigates how AI-based text and image analysis techniques can be used for mining paradata from archival records pertaining to archaeological excavations. The talk describes how the developed approach is promising in extracting meaningful information on how records and their contents have been created and processed. Further, the presentation outlines key lessons learned during the development and implementation analysis workflow. The heterogeneity of records and especially that of the expressions of paradata causes problems for computational analysis but considering that they also slow down manual processing of the data, the approach discussed in the project emerges as successful. The reported work is a part of the research project CApturing Paradata for documenTing data creation and Use for the REsearch of the future (CAPTURE) that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 818210 and InterPARES Trust AI funded by a Canadian SSHRC grant. The work has also received funding from the Centre for Digital Humanities Uppsala (CDHU) pilot project scheme.

16:35-17:45 Drinks, snacks & book presentation

Presentation of book: The Nordic Model of Digital Archiving by the editors and authors present.

Location: Canteen area