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08:30-09:00 Session 10: AAAI-14 Opening Ceremony and Awards
Location: Hall 200A
AAAI Welcome and Award Presentations
SPEAKER: Carla Brodley
IAAI Welcome and Awards
IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Award Presentation
AAAI Special Awards and Honors
SPEAKER: Henry Kautz
09:00-10:00 Session 11A: AAAI-14: Novel Machine Algorithms
Location: Room 301A
Representation Acquisition for Task‐Level Planning
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We consider the problem of constructing a symbolic description of a continuous, low-level environment for use in planning. We show that symbols that can represent the preconditions and effects of an agent's actions are both necessary and sufficient for high-level planning. This enables reinforcement learning agents to acquire their own symbolic representations autonomously, and eliminates the symbol design problem when a representation must be constructed in advance. The resulting representation can be converted into PDDL, a canonical planning representation that enables very fast planning.

Imitation Learning with Demonstrations and Shaping Rewards
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Imitation Learning (IL) is a popular approach for teaching behavior policies to agents by demonstrating the desired target policy. While the approach has lead to many successes, IL often requires a large set of demonstrations to achieve robust learning, which can be expensive for the teacher. In this paper, we consider a novel approach to improve the learning efficiency of IL by providing a shaping reward function in addition to the usual demonstrations. Shaping rewards are numeric functions of states (and possibly actions) that are generally easily specified and capture general principles of desired behavior, without necessarily completely specifying the behavior. Shaping rewards have been used extensively in reinforcement learning, but have been seldom considered for IL, though they are often easy to specify. Our main contribution is to propose an IL approach that learns from both shaping rewards and demonstrations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach across several IL problems, even when the shaping reward is not fully consistent with the demonstrations.

Spectral Thompson Sampling
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Thompson Sampling (TS) has surged a lot of interest due to its good empirical performance, in particular in the computational advertising. Though successful, the tools for its performance analysis appeared only recently. In this paper, we describe and analyze SpectralTS for a bandit problem, where the payoffs of the choices are smooth given an underlying graph. In this setting, each choice is a node of a graph and the expected payoffs of the neighboring nodes are assumed to be similar. Although the setting has application both in recommender systems and advertising, the traditional algorithms would scale poorly with the number of choices. For that purpose we consider an effective dimension $d$, which is small in real-world graphs. Building on prior work, we deliver the analysis showing that the regret of SpectralTS scales with $d\sqrt{T \ln N}$, where $T$ is the time horizon and $N$ is the number of choices. Since a $d\sqrt{T \ln N}$ regret is comparable to the known results, SpectralTS offers a computationally more efficient alternative. We also show that our algorithm is competitive on both synthetic and real-world data.

Best Paper Nominee: Manifold Learning for Jointly Modeling Topic and Visualization
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Classical approaches to visualization directly reduce a document's high-dimensional representation into visualizable two or three dimensions, using techniques such as multidimensional scaling. More recent approaches consider an intermediate representation in topic space, between word space and visualization space, which preserves the semantics by topic modeling. We call the latter semantic visualization problem, as it seeks to jointly model topic and visualization. While previous approaches aim to preserve the global consistency, they do not consider the local consistency in terms of the intrinsic geometric structure of the document manifold. We therefore propose an unsupervised probabilistic model, called Semafore, which aims to preserve the manifold in the lower-dimensional spaces. Comprehensive experiments on several real-life text datasets of news articles and web pages show that Semafore significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines on objective evaluation metrics.

09:00-10:00 Session 11B: AAAI-14: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Location: Room 301B
The Complexity of Reasoning with FODD and GFODD
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Recent work introduced Generalized First Order Decision Diagrams (GFODD) as a knowledge representation that is useful in mechanizing decision theoretic planning in relational domains. GFODDs generalize function-free first order logic and include numerical values and numerical generalizations of existential and universal quantification. Previous work presented heuristic inference algorithms for GFODDs. In this paper, we study the complexity of the evaluation problem, the satiability problem, and the equivalence problem for GFODDs under the assumption that the size of the intended model is given with the problem, a restriction that guarantees decidability. Our results provide a complete characterization. The same characterization applies to the corresponding restriction of problems in first order logic, giving an interesting new avenue for efficient inference when the number of objects is bounded. Our results show that for $\Sigma_k$ formulas, and for corresponding GFODDs, evaluation and satisfiability are $\Sigma_k^p$ complete, and equivalence is $\Pi_{k+1}^p$ complete. For $\Pi_k$ formulas evaluation is $\Pi_k^p$ complete, satisfiability is one level higher and is $\Sigma_{k+1}^p$ complete, and equivalence is $\Pi_{k+1}^p$ complete.

Querying Inconsistent Description Logic Knowledge Bases under Preferred Repair Semantics
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Recently several inconsistency-tolerant semantics have been introduced for querying inconsistent description logic knowledge bases. Most of these semantics rely on the notion of a repair, defined as an inclusion-maximal subset of the facts (ABox) which is consistent with the ontology (TBox). In this paper, we investigate variants of two popular inconsistency-tolerant semantics obtained by replacing the classical notion of repair by different types of preferred repairs. For each of the resulting semantics, we analyze the complexity of conjunctive query answering over knowledge bases expressed in the lighweight logic DL-Lite. Unsurprisingly, query answering is intractable in all cases, but we nonetheless identify one notion of preferred repair, based upon assigning facts to priority levels, whose data complexity is ``only" coNP-complete. This leads us to propose an approach combining incomplete tractable methods with calls to a SAT solver. An experimental evaluation of the approach shows good scalability on realistic cases.

The Computational Complexity of Structure-Based Causality
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Halpern and Pearl 2001 introduced a definition of actual causality; Eiter and Lukasiewicz 2001 showed that computing whether X=x is a cause of Y=y is NP-complete in binary models (where all variables can take on only two values) and Sigma_2^P-complete in general models. In the final version of their paper, Halpern and Pearl (2005) slightly modified the definition of actual cause, in order to deal with problems pointed by Hopkins and Pearl in 2003. As we show, this modification has a nontrivial impact on the complexity of computing actual cause. To characterize the complexity, a new family D_k, k= 1, 2, 3, ... is introduced, which generalizes the class D^P introduced by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (1984) (D^P is just D_1.) We show that the complexity of computing causality is D_2-complete under the new definition. Chockler and Halpern 2004 extended the definition of causality by introducing notions of responsibility and blame. They characterized the complexity of determining the degree of responsibility and blame using the original definition of causality. Again, we show that changing the definition of causality affects the complexity, and completely characterize the complexity of determining the degree of responsibility and blame with the new definition.

A Knowledge Compilation Map for Ordered Real-Valued Decision Diagrams
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Valued decision diagrams (VDDs) are languages that represent functions mapping variable-value assignments to non-negative real numbers. They prove useful to compile cost functions, utility functions, or probability distributions. While the complexity of some queries (notably optimization) and transformations (notably conditioning) on VDD languages has been known for some time, there remain many significant queries and transformations, such as the various kinds of cuts, marginalizations, and combinations, the complexity of which has not been identified so far. This paper contributes to filling this gap and completing previous results about the time and space efficiency of VDD languages, thus leading to a knowledge compilation map for real-valued functions. Our results show that many tasks that are hard on valued CSPs are actually tractable on VDDs.

09:00-10:00 Session 11C: AAAI-14: Search and Constraint Satisfaction
Location: Room 302A
Boosting SBDS for Partial Symmetry Breaking in Constraint Programming
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The paper proposes a dynamic method, Recursive SBDS (ReSBDS), for efficient partial symmetry breaking. We first demonstrate how (partial) SBDS misses important pruning opportunities when given only a subset of symmetries to break. The investigation pinpoints the culprit and in turn suggests rectification. The main idea is to add extra conditional constraints during search recursively to prune also symmetric nodes of some pruned subtrees. Thus, ReSBDS can break extra symmetry compositions, but is carefully designed to break only the ones that are easy to identify and inexpensive to break. We present theorems to guarantee the soundness and termination of our approach, and compare our method with popular static and dynamic methods. When the variable (value) heuristic is static, ReSBDS is also complete in eliminating all interchangeable variables (values) given only the generator symmetries. Extensive experimentations confirm the efficiency of ReSBDS, when compared against state of the art methods.

Linear-Time Filtering Algorithms for the Disjunctive Constraint
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We present three new filtering algorithms for the disjunctive constraint that all have a linear running time complexity in the number of tasks. The first algorithm filters the tasks according to the rules of the time tabling. The second algorithm performs an overload check that could also be used for the cumulative constraint. The third algorithm enforces the rules of detectable precedences. The two last algorithms use a new data structure that we introduce and that we call the time line. This data structure provides many constant time operations that were previously implemented in logarithmic time by the Theta-tree data structure. Experiments show that these new algorithms are competitive even for a small number of tasks and outperforms existing algorithms as the number of tasks increases.

Backdoors into Heterogeneous Classes of SAT and CSP
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Backdoor sets represent clever reasoning shortcuts through the search space for SAT and CSP. By instantiating the backdoor variables one reduces the given instance to several easy instances that belong to a tractable class. The overall time needed to solve the instance is exponential in the size of the backdoor set, hence it is a challenging problem to find a small backdoor set if one exists; over the last years this problem has been subject of intensive research.

In this paper we extend the classical notion of a strong backdoor set by allowing that different instantiations of the backdoor variables result in instances that belong to different base classes; the union of the base classes forms a heterogeneous base class. Backdoor sets to heterogeneous base classes can be much smaller than backdoor sets to homogeneous ones, hence they are much more desirable but possibly harder to find.

We draw a detailed complexity landscape for the problem of detecting strong backdoor sets into heterogeneous base classes for SAT and CSP. We provide algorithms that establish fixed-parameter tractability under natural parameterizations, and we contrast the tractability results with hardness results that pinpoint the theoretical limits.

A Support-Based Algorithm for the Bi-Objective Pareto Constraint
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Bi-objective combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in real-world applications and designing approaches to solve them efficiently is an important research area of Artificial Intelligence. In Constraint Programming, the recently introduced bi-objective Pareto constraint allows one to solve bi-objective combinatorial optimization problems exactly. Using this constraint, every non-dominated solution is collected in a single tree-search while pruning sub-trees that cannot lead to a non-dominated solution. This paper introduces a simpler and more efficient filtering algorithm for the bi-objective Pareto constraint. The efficiency of our algorithm is experimentally confirmed on classical bi-objective benchmarks.

09:00-10:00 Session 11D: AAAI-14: NLP and Text Mining
Location: Room 302B
Lifetime Lexical Variation in Social Media
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. As the rapid growth of online social media attracts a large number of Internet users, the large volume of content generated by these users also provides us with an opportunity to study the lexical variations of people of different age. In this paper, we present a latent variable model that jointly models the lexical content of tweets and Twitter users' age. Our model inherently assumes that a topic has not only a word distribution but also an age distribution. We propose a Gibbs-EM algorithm to perform inference on our model. Empirical evaluation shows that our model can generate meaningful age-specific topics such as "school" for teenagers and "health" for older people. Our model also performs age prediction better than a number of baseline methods.

Extracting Keyphrases from Research Papers using Citation Networks
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Keyphrases for a document concisely describe the document using a small set of phrases. Keyphrases have been previously shown to improve several document processing and retrieval tasks. In this work, we study keyphrase extraction from research papers by leveraging citation networks. We propose CiteTextRank for extracting keyphrases, a graph-based algorithm that incorporates evidence from both a document's content as well as the contexts in which the document is referenced within the citation network. Our model obtains significant improvements over the state-of-the-art models for this task. Specifically, on several datasets of research papers, CiteTextRank improves precision at rank $1$ by as much as 16-60\%

Detecting Information-Dense Texts in Multiple News Domains
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper we introduce the task of identifying information-dense texts, which report important factual information in direct, succinct manner. We describe a procedure that allows us to label automatically a large training corpus of New York Times texts. We train a classifier based on lexical, discourse and unlexicalized syntactic features and test its performance on a set of manually annotated articles from international relations, U.S. politics, sports and science domains. Our results indicate that the task is feasible and that both syntactic and lexical features are highly predictive for the distinction. We observe considerable variation of prediction accuracy across domains and find that domain-specific models are more accurate.

Chinese Overt Pronoun Resolution: A Bilingual Approach
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Existing approaches to pronoun resolution are monolingual, training and testing a pronoun resolver on the data from original language. In contrast, we propose a bilingual approach to pronoun resolution, aiming to improve the resolution of pronouns by leveraging both the publicly available dictionaries and coreference annotations from a second language. Experiments on the OntoNotes corpus demonstrate that our bilingual approach to pronoun resolution significantly surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art monolingual approaches.

09:00-10:00 Session 11E: AAAI-14: Computational Sustainability and AI
Location: Room 303A
Best Paper Nominee: Placement of Loading Stations for Electric Vehicles: No Detours Necessary!
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Compared to conventional cars, electric vehicles still suffer from a considerably shorter cruising range. Combined with the sparsity of battery loading stations, the complete transition to E-mobility still seems a long way to go. In this paper, we consider the problem of placing as few loading stations as possible such that on any shortest path there are enough to guarantee sufficient energy supply. This means, that EV owners no longer have to plan their trips ahead incorporating loading station positions, and are no longer forced to accept long detours to reach their destinations. We show how to model this problem and introduce heuristics which provide close-to-optimal solutions even in large road networks.

A Latent Variable Model for Discovering Bird Species Commonly Misidentified by Citizen Scientists
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Data quality is a common source of concern for large-scale citizen science projects like eBird. In the case of eBird, a major cause of poor quality data is the misidentification of bird species by inexperienced contributors. A proactive approach for improving data quality is to identify commonly misidentified bird species and to teach inexperienced birders the differences between these species. In this paper, we develop a latent variable graphical model that can identify groups of bird species that are often confused for each other by eBird participants. Our model is a multi-species extension of the classic occupancy-detection model in the ecology literature. This multi-species extension is non-trivial, requiring a structure learning step as well as a computationally expensive parameter learning stage which we make efficient through a variational approximation. We show that by including these species misidentifications in the model, we can not only discover these misidentifications but predictions of both species occupancy and detection are also more accurate.

Intelligent System for Urban Emergency Management During Large-scale Disaster
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The frequency and intensity of natural disasters has significantly increased over the past decades and this trend is predicted to continue. Facing these unexpected disasters, urban emergency management has become the especially important issue for the whole governments around the world. In this paper, we present a novel intelligent system for urban emergency management during the large-scale disasters. The proposed system stores and manages the global positioning system (GPS) records from mobile devices used by approximately 1.6 million people throughout Japan from 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011. By mining and analyzing population movements after the Great East Japan Earthquake, our system is able to automatically learn a probabilistic model to better understand and simulate human mobility during the emergency situations. Based on the learning model, population mobility in various urban areas impacted by the earthquake throughout Japan is able to be automatically simulated or predicted. On the basis of such kind of system, it is easy for us to find some new features or population mobility patterns after the recent and unprecedented composite disasters, which are likely to provide the valuable experiences and play a vital role for future disaster management worldwide.

Contextually Supervised Source Separation with Application to Energy Disaggregation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We propose a new framework for single-channel source separation that lies between the fully supervised and unsupervised setting. Instead of supervision, we provide input features for each source signal and use convex methods to estimate the correlations between these features and the unobserved signal decomposition. Contextually supervised source separation is a natural fit for domains with large amounts of data but no explicit supervision; our motivating application is energy disaggregation of hourly smart meter data (the separation of whole-home power signals into different energy uses). Here contextual supervision allows us to provide itemized energy usage for thousands homes, a task previously impossible due to the need for specialized data collection hardware. On smaller datasets which include labels, we demonstrate that contextual supervision improves significantly over a reasonable baseline and existing unsupervised methods for source separation. Finally, we analyze the case of $\ell_2$ loss theoretically and show that recovery of the signal components depends only on cross-correlation between features for different signals, not on correlations between features for the same signal.

09:00-10:00 Session 11F: AAAI-14: Game Theory and Economic Paradigms
Location: Room 303B
A Control Dichotomy for Pure Scoring Rules
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Scoring systems are an extremely important class of election systems. A length-m (so-called) scoring vector applies only to m-candidate elections. To handle general elections, one must use a family of vectors, one per length.

The most elegant approach to making sure such families are "family-like" is the recently introduced notion of (polynomial-time uniform) pure scoring rules (Betzler and Dorn 2010), where each scoring vector is obtained from its precursor by adding one new coefficient.

We obtain the first dichotomy theorem for pure scoring rules for a control problem. In particular, for constructive control by adding voters (CCAV), which is arguably the most important control type, we show that CCAV is solvable in polynomial time for k-approval with k<=3, k-veto with k<=2, every pure scoring rule in which only the two top-rated candidates gain nonzero scores, and a particular rule that is a "hybrid" of 1-approval and 1-veto. For all other pure scoring rules, CCAV is NP-complete.

We also investigate the descriptive richness of different models for defining pure scoring rules, proving how more rule-generation time gives more rules, proving that rationals give more rules than do the natural numbers, and proving that some restrictions previously thought to be "w.l.o.g." in fact do lose generality.

False-Name Bidding and Economic Efficiency in Combinatorial Auctions
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Combinatorial auctions are multiple-item auctions in which bidders may place bids on any package (subset) of goods. This additional expressibility produces benefits that have led to combinatorial auctions becoming extremely important both in practice and in theory. In the computer science community, research has focused primarily on computation and incentive compatibility. The latter concerns a specific form of bidder misrepresentation. However, with modern forms of bid submission, such as electronic bidding, new types of cheating become feasible. For combinatorial auctions, prominent amongst them is false-name bidding; that is, bidding under pseudonyms. The ubiquitous Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism is incentive compatible and produces optimal allocations, but it is not false-name-proof; bidders can increase their utility by submitting bids under multiple identifiers. Consequently, there has recently been much interest in the design and analysis of false-name-proof auction mechanisms.

Such false-name-proof mechanisms, however, can produce allocations with very low economic efficiency/social welfare. In contrast, we show that, provided the degree to which different goods are complementary is bounded (as is the case in many important, practical auctions), the VCG mechanism gives a constant efficiency guarantee. Such efficiency guarantees hold even at equilibria where the agents bid in a manner that is not individually rational. Thus, while an individual bidder may personally benefit greatly from making false-name bids, this will have only a small detrimental effect on the objective of the auctioneer: maximizing economic efficiency. Thus, from the auctioneer's viewpoint the VCG mechanism remains preferable to false-name-proof mechanisms.

Item Bidding for Combinatorial Public Projects
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We present and analyze a mechanism for the Combinatorial Public Project Problem (CPPP). The problem asks to select k out of m available items, so as to maximize the social welfare for autonomous agents with combinatorial preferences (valuation functions) over subsets of items. The CPPP constitutes an abstract model for decision making by autonomous agents and has been shown to present severe computational hardness, in the design of truthful approximation mechanisms. We study a non-truthful mechanism that is, however, practically relevant to multi-agent environments, by virtue of its natural simplicity. It employs an Item Bidding interface, wherein every agent issues a separate bid for the inclusion of each distinct item in the outcome; the k items with the highest sums of bids are chosen and agents are charged according to a VCG-based payment rule. For fairly expressive classes of the agents' valuation functions, we establish existence of socially optimal pure Nash and strong equilibria, that are resilient to coordinated deviations of subsets of agents. Subsequently we derive tight worst-case bounds on the approximation of the optimum social welfare achieved in equilibrium. We show that the mechanism's performance improves with the number of agents that can coordinate, and reaches half of the optimum welfare at strong equilibrium.

Betting Strategies, Market Selection, and the Wisdom of Crowds
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We investigate the limiting behavior of trader wealth and prices in a simple prediction market with a finite set of participants having heterogeneous beliefs. Traders bet repeatedly on the outcome of a binary event with fixed Bernoulli success probability. A class of strategies, including (fractional) Kelly betting and constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) are considered. We show that when traders are willing to risk only a small fraction of their wealth in any period, belief heterogeneity can persist indefinitely; if bets are large in proportion to wealth then only the most accurate belief type survives. The market price is more accurate in the long run when traders with less accurate {beliefs} also survive. That is, the survival of traders with heterogeneous beliefs, some less accurate than others, allows the market price to better reflect the objective probability of the event in the long run.

09:00-10:00 Session 11G: IAAI-14: Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Award Lecture
Location: Hall 200A
From Virtual Museums to Peacebuilding: Creating and Using Linked Knowledge

ABSTRACT. Companies, such as Google and Microsoft, are building web-scale linked knowledge bases for the purpose of indexing and searching the web, but these efforts do not address the problem of building accurate, fine-grained, deep knowledge bases for specific application domains. We are developing an integration framework, called Karma, which supports the rapid, end-to-end construction of such linked knowledge bases. In this talk I will describe machine-learning techniques for mapping new data sources to a domain model and linking the data across sources. I will also present several applications of this technology, including building virtual museums and integrating data sources for peacebuilding.

10:00-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-11:40 Session 12A: EAAI-14 Teaching and Mentoring Workshop, Part I
Location: Room 203
10:20-11:35 Session 12B: AAAI-14: Novel Machine Algorithms
Location: Room 301A
Wormhole Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In machine learning and statistics, probabilistic inference involving multimodal distributions is quite difficult. This is especially true in high dimensional problems, where most existing algorithms cannot easily move from one mode to another. To address this issue, we propose a novel Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Our method can effectively sample from multimodal distributions, especially when the dimension is high and the modes are isolated. To this end, it exploits and modifies the Riemannian geometric properties of the target distribution to create wormholes connecting modes in order to facilitate moving between them. Further, our proposed method uses the regeneration technique in order to adapt the algorithm by identifying new modes and updating the network of wormholes without affecting the stationary distribution. To find new modes, as opposed to rediscovering those previously identified, we employ a novel mode searching algorithm that explores a residual energy function obtained by subtracting an approximate Gaussian mixture density (based on previously discovered modes) from the target density function.

Learning the Structure of Probabilistic Graphical Models with an Extended Cascading Indian Buffet Process
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we present an extension of the cascading Indian buffet process (CIBP) intended to learning arbitrary directed acyclic graph structures as opposed to the CIBP, which is limited to purely layered structures. The extended cascading Indian buffet process (eCIBP) essentially consists in adding an extra sampling step to the CIBP to generate connections between non-consecutive layers. In the context of graphical model structure learning, the proposed approach allows learning structures having an unbounded number of hidden random variables and automatically selecting the model complexity. We evaluated the extended process on multivariate density estimation and structure identification tasks by measuring the structure complexity and predictive performance. The results suggest the extension leads to extracting simpler graphs without scarifying predictive precision.

Small-variance Asymptotics for Dirichlet Process Mixtures of SVMs
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Infinite SVMs (iSVM) is a Dirichlet process (DP) mixture of large-margin classifiers. Though flexible in learning nonlinear classifiers and discovering latent clustering structures, iSVM has a difficult inference task and existing methods could hinder its applicability to large-scale problems. This paper presents a small-variance asymptotic analysis to derive a simple and efficient algorithm, which monotonically optimizes a max-margin DP-means (M2 DPM) problem, an extension of DP-means for both predictive learning and descriptive clustering. Our analysis is built on Gibbs infinite SVMs, an alternative DP mixture of large-margin machines, which admits a partially collapsed Gibbs sampler without truncation by exploring data augmentation techniques. Experimental results show that M2 DPM runs much faster than similar algorithms without sacrificing prediction accuracies.

Using The Matrix Ridge Approximation to Speedup Determinantal Point Processes Sampling Algorithms
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Determinantal point process (DPP) is an important probabilistic model that has extensive applications in artificial intelligence. The exact sampling algorithm of DPP requires the full eigenvalue decomposition of the kernel matrix which has high time and space complexities. This prohibits the applications of DPP from large-scale datasets. Previous work has applied the Nystrom method to speedup the sampling algorithm of DPP, and error bounds have been established for the approximation. In this paper we employ the matrix ridge approximation (MRA) to speedup the sampling algorithm of DPP, and we show that our approach MRA-DPP has stronger error bound than the Nystrom-DPP. In certain circumstance our MRA-DPP is provably exact, whereas the Nystrom-DPP is far from the ground truth. Finally, experiments on several real-world datasets show that our MRA-DPP is much more accurate than the other approximation approaches.

Large-Scale Optimistic Adaptive Submodularity
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Maximization of submodular functions has wide applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this work, we study the problem of learning how to maximize an adaptive submodular function. The function is initially unknown and we learn it by interacting repeatedly with the environment. A major problem in applying existing solutions to this problem is that their regret bounds scale linearly with the size of the problem. Therefore, these solutions are impractical even for moderately large problems. In this work, we use the structure of real-world problems to make learning practical. We make three main contributions. First, we propose a practical algorithm for learning how to maximize an adaptive submodular function where the distribution of the states of each item is conditioned on its features. Second, we analyze this algorithm and show that its expected cumulative regret is polylogarithmic in time. Finally, we evaluate our algorithm on two real-world problems, movie recommendation and face detection, and show that high-quality policies can be learned in just several hundred interactions.

10:20-11:35 Session 12C: AAAI-14: Planning and Scheduling
Location: Room 301B
Parametrized Families of Hard Planning Problems from Phase Transitions
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. There are two complementary ways to evaluate planning algorithms: performance on benchmark problems derived from real applications and analysis of performance on parametrized families of problems with known properties. Prior to this work, few means of generating parametrized families of hard planning problems were known. We generate hard planning problems from the solvable/unsolvable phase transition region of well-studied NP-complete problems that map naturally to navigation and scheduling, aspects common to many planning domains. Our results confirm exponential scaling of hardness with problem size, even at very small problem sizes. We observe significant differences between state-of-the-art planners on these problem families, enabling us to gain insight into the relative strengths and weaknesses of these planners. These families provide complementary test sets exhibiting properties not found in existing benchmarks.

Backdoors to Planning

ABSTRACT. Backdoors measure the distance to tractable fragments and have become an important tool to find fixed-parameter tractable (fpt) algorithms. Despite their success, backdoors have not been used for planning, a central problem in AI that has a high computational complexity. In this work, we introduce two notions of backdoors building upon the causal graph. We analyze the complexity of finding a small backdoor (detection) and using the backdoor to solve the problem (evaluation) in the light of planning with (un)bounded domain/plan length. For each setting we present either an fpt-result or rule out the existence thereof by showing parameterized intractability. In three cases we achieve the most desirable outcome: detection and evaluation are fpt.

Scheduling for Transfers in Pickup and Delivery Problems with Very Large Neighborhood Search
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In pickup and delivery problems (PDPs), vehicles pick up and deliver a set of items under various constraints. We extend the well-studied PDP by allowing vehicles to transfer items to and from one another. By scheduling transfers, the fleet of vehicles can deliver the items faster and at lower cost. We introduce the Very Large Neighborhood Search with Transfers (VLNS-T) algorithm to form schedules for PDPs with transfers. We show that VLNS-T algorithm makes use of transfers to improve upon the best known solutions for selected benchmark problems, and demonstrate its effectiveness on real world taxi data in New York City.

A Scheduler for Actions with Iterated Durations
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. A wide range of robotic missions contain actions that exhibit looping behavior. Examples of these actions include picking fruit in agriculture, pick-and-place tasks in manufacturing, or even search patterns in robotic search or survey missions. These looping actions often have a range of acceptable values for the number of loops and a preference function over them. For example, during robotic survey missions, the information gain is expected to increase with the number of loops in a search pattern. Since these looping actions also take time, which is typically bounded, there is a challenge of maximizing utility while respecting time constraints.

In this paper, we introduce the Looping Temporal Problem with Preference (LTPP) as a formalism for encoding scheduling problems that contain looping actions. In addition, we introduce a scheduling algorithm for LTPPs, which leverages the structure of the problem to find the optimal solution efficiently.

Best Paper Nominee: Generalized Label Reduction for Merge-and-Shrink Heuristics
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Label reduction is a technique for simplifying families of labeled transition systems by dropping distinctions between certain transition labels. While label reduction is critical to the efficient computation of merge-and-shrink heuristics, current theory only permits reducing labels in a limited number of cases. We generalize this theory so that labels can be reduced in every intermediate abstraction of a merge-and-shrink tree. This is particularly important for efficiently computing merge-and-shrink abstractions based on non-linear merge strategies. As a case study, we implement a non-linear merge strategy based on the original work on merge-and-shrink heuristics in model checking by Dräger et al.

10:20-11:35 Session 12D: AAAI-14: Game Theory and Multiagent Systems
Location: Room 302A
Congestion Games for V2G-Enabled EV Charging
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. A model of the problem of charging and discharging electrical vehicles as a congestion game is presented. A generalization of congestion games -- feedback congestion games (FCG) -- is introduced. The charging of grid-integrated vehicles, which can also discharge energy back to the grid, is a natural FCG application. FCGs are proven to be exact potential games and therefore converge to a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium by an iterated better-response process. A compact representation and an algorithm that enable efficient best-response search are presented. A detailed empirical evaluation assesses the performance of the iterated best-response process. The evaluation considers the quality of the resulting solutions and the rate of convergence to a stable state. The effect of allowing to also discharge batteries using FCG is compared to scenarios that only include charging and is found to dramatically improve the predictability of the achieved solutions as well as the balancing of load.

A Game-theoretic Analysis of Catalog Optimization
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Vendors of all types face the problem of selecting a slate of product offerings---their assortment or catalog---that will maximize their profits. The profitability of a catalog is determined by both customer preferences and the offerings of their competitors.

We develop a game-theoretic model for analyzing the vendor \emph{catalog optimization} problem in the face of competing vendors. We show that computing a best response is intractable in general, but can be solved by dynamic programming given certain informational or structural assumptions about consumer preferences. We also analyze conditions under which pure Nash equilibria exist. We study the price of anarchy (and stability), where applicable.

Robust Winners and Winner Determination Policies under Candidate Uncertainty
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We consider voting situations in which some candidates may turn out to be unavailable. When determining availability is costly (e.g., in terms of money, time, or computation), voting prior to determining candidate availability and testing the winner's availability *after* the vote may be beneficial. However, since few voting rules are robust to candidate deletion, winner determination requires a number of such availability tests. We outline a model for analyzing such problems, defining *robust winners* relative to potential candidate unavailability. We assess the complexity of computing robust winners for several voting rules. Assuming a distribution over availability, and costs for availability tests/queries, we describe algorithms for *optimal query policies*, which minimize the expected cost of determining true winners.

Theory of Cooperation in Complex Social Networks
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a theoretical as well as empirical study on the evolution of cooperation on complex social networks, following the continuous action iterated prisoner's dilemma (CAIPD) model. In particular, convergence to network-wide agreement is proven for both evolutionary networks with fixed interaction dynamics, as well as for coevolutionary networks where these dynamics change over time. Moreover, an extension to the CAIPD model is proposed that allows to model active influence of the evolution of cooperation in social networks. As such, this work contributes to a better understanding of behavioral change on social networks, and provides a first step towards their active control.

Prices Matter for the Parameterized Complexity of Shift Bribery
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In the Shift Bribery problem, we are given an election (based on preference orders), a preferred candidate p, and a budget. The goal is to ensure that p wins by shifting p higher in some voters' preference orders. However, each such shift request comes at a price (depending on the voter and on the extent of the shift) and we must not exceed the given budget. We study the parameterized computational complexity of Shift Bribery with respect to a number of parameters (pertaining to the nature of the solution sought and the size of the election) and several classes of price functions. When we parameterize Shift Bribery by the number of affected voters, then for each of our voting rules (Borda, Maximin, Copeland) the problem is W[2]-hard. If, instead, we parameterize by the number of positions by which p is shifted in total, then the problem is fixed-parameter tractable for Borda and Maximin, and is W[1]-hard for Copeland. If we parameterize by the budget for the cost of shifting, then the results depend on the price function class. We also show that Shift Bribery tends to be tractable when parameterized by the number of voters, but that the results for the number of candidates are more enigmatic.

10:20-11:35 Session 12E: AAAI-14: AI and the Web
Location: Room 302B
Who Also Likes It? Generating the Most Persuasive Social Explanations in Recommender Systems
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Social explanation, the statement with the form of ”A and B also like the item”, is widely used in almost all the major recommender systems in the web and effectively improves the persuasiveness of the recommendation results by convincing more users to try. This paper presents the first algorithm to generate the most persuasive social explanation by recommending the optimal set of users to be put in the explanation. New challenges like modeling persuasiveness of multiple users, different types of users in social network, sparsity of likes, are discussed in depth and solved in our algorithm. The extensive evaluation demonstrates the advantage of our proposed algorithm compared with traditional methods.

Leveraging Decomposed Trust in Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for Effective Recommendation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Trust has been used to replace or complement rating-based similarity in recommender systems, to improve the accuracy of rating prediction. However, people trusting each other may not always share similar preferences. In this paper, we try to fill in this gap by decomposing the original single-aspect trust information into four general trust aspects, i.e. benevolence, integrity, competence, and predictability, and further employing the support vector regression technique to incorporate them into the probabilistic matrix factorization model for rating prediction in recommender systems. Experimental results on four datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over the state-of-the-art approaches.

TopicMF: Simultaneously Exploiting Ratings and Reviews for Recommendation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Although users' preference is semantically reflected in the free-form review texts, this wealth of information was not fully exploited for learning recommender models. Specifically, almost all existing recommendation algorithms only exploit rating scores in order to find users' preference, but ignore the review texts accompanied with rating information. In this paper, we propose a novel matrix factorization model (called TopicMF) which simultaneously considers the ratings and accompanied review texts. Experimental results on 20 real-world datasets show the superiority of our model over the state-of-the-art models, demonstrating its effectiveness for recommendation task.

Combining Heterogenous Social and Geographical Information for Event Recommendation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. With the rapid growth of event-based social services (EBSSs) like \emph{Meetup}, the demand for event recommendation becomes increasingly urgent. In EBSSs, event recommendation plays a central role in recommending the most relevant events to users who are likely to participate in. Different from traditional recommendation problems, event recommendation encounters three new types of information, \emph{i.e.}, heterogeneous online+offline social relationships, geographical information of events and implicit feedback data from users. Yet combining the three types of data for event recommendation has not been considered. Therefore, we present a Bayesian probability model that can unify these data for event recommendation. Experimental results on real-world data sets show the performance of our method.

Parallel Materialisation of Datalog Programs in Centralised, Main-Memory RDF Systems
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We present a novel approach to parallel materialisation (i.e., fixpoint computation) of datalog programs in centralised, main-memory, multi-core RDF systems. The approach comprises an algorithm that evenly distributes the workload to cores, and an RDF indexing data structure that supports efficient, 'mostly' lock-free parallel updates. Our empirical evaluation shows that our approach parallelises computation very well so, with 16 physical cores, materialisation can be up to 13.9 times faster than with just one core.

10:20-11:35 Session 12F: AAAI-14: Human-Computation and Crowdsourcing
Location: Room 303A
Acquiring Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis through Human Computation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Many Artificial Intelligence tasks need large amounts of commonsense knowledge. Because obtaining this knowledge through machine learning would require a huge amount of data, a better alternative is to elicit it from people through human computation. We consider the sentiment classification task, where knowledge about the contexts that impact word polarities is crucial but hard to acquire from data. We show a novel task design that allows us to crowdsource this knowledge through Amazon Mechanical Turk with high quality. We show that the commonsense knowledge acquired in this way dramatically improves the performance of established sentiment classification methods.

Signals in the Silence: Models of Implicit Feedback in a Recommender System for Crowdsourcing
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We study the opportunity to exploit the absence of signals as informative observations in the context of providing task recommendations in crowdsourcing. Workers on crowdsourcing platform do not provide explicit ratings about tasks. We present methods that enable a system to leverage implicit signals about task preferences. These signals include types of tasks that have been available and have been displayed, and the number of tasks workers select and complete. In distinction to previous work, we present a general model that can represent both positive and negative implicit signals. We introduce algorithms that can learn these models without exceeding the computational complexity of existing approaches. Finally, using data from a large-scale, high throughput crowdsourcing platform, we show that reasoning about both positive and negative implicit feedback can improve the quality of task recommendations provided to workers.

Online and Stochastic Learning with a Human Cognitive Bias
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Sequential learning for classification tasks is an effective tool in the machine learning community. In sequential learning settings, algorithms sometimes make incorrect predictions on data that were correctly classified in the past. This paper explicitly deals with such inconsistent prediction behavior. Our main contributions are 1) to experimentally show its effect for user utilities as a human cognitive bias, 2) to formalize a new framework by internalizing this bias into the optimization problem, 3) to develop new algorithms without memorization of the past prediction history, and 4) to show some theoretical guarantees of our derived algorithm for both online and stochastic learning settings. Our experimental results show the superiority of the derived algorithm for problems involving human cognition.

Anytime Active Learning
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. A common bottleneck in deploying supervised learning systems is collecting human-annotated examples. In many domains, annotators form an opinion about the label of an example incrementally --- e.g., each additional word read from a document or each additional minute spent inspecting a video helps inform the annotation. In this paper, we investigate whether we can train learning systems more efficiently by requesting an annotation before inspection is fully complete --- e.g., after reading only 25 words of a document. While doing so may reduce the overall annotation time, it also introduces the risk that the annotator might not be able to provide a label if interrupted too early. We propose an anytime active learning approach that optimizes the annotation time and response rate simultaneously. We conduct user studies on subsets of two document classification datasets and develop simulated annotators that mimic the users. Our simulated experiments show that anytime active learning outperforms several baselines on these two datasets. For example, with an annotation budget of one hour, training a classifier by annotating the first 25 words of each document reduces classification error by 17% over annotating the first 100 words of each document.

Generating Content for Scenario-Based Serious-Games using CrowdSourcing
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Scenario-based serious-games have become a main tool for learning new skills and capabilities. An important factor in the development of such systems is reducing the time and cost overhead in manually creating content for these scenarios. To do so, we present ScenarioGen, an automatic method for generating content about everyday activities through combining computer science techniques with the crowd. ScenarioGen uses the crowd in three different ways: to capture a database of scenarios of everyday activities, to generate a database of likely replacements for specific events within that scenario, and to evaluate the resulting scenarios. We evaluated ScenarioGen in 6 different content domains and found that it was consistently rated as coherent and consistent as the originally captured content. We also compared ScenarioGen’s content to that created by traditional planning techniques. We found that both methods were equally effective in generated coherent and consistent scenarios, yet ScenarioGen’s content was found to be more varied and easier to create.

10:20-11:35 Session 12G: AAAI-14: Reasoning under Uncertainty
Location: Room 303B
Best Paper Nominee: Recovering from Selection Bias in Causal and Statistical Inference
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Selection bias is caused by preferential exclusion of units from the samples and represents a major obstacle to valid causal and statistical inferences; it cannot be removed by randomized experiments and can rarely be detected in either experimental or observational studies. Extending the results of (Bareinboim and Pearl 2012), we provide complete graphical and algorithmic conditions for recovering conditional probabilities from selection biased data. We further provide graphical conditions for recoverability when unbiased data is available over a subset of the variables. Finally, we provide a graphical condition that generalizes the backdoor criterion and serves to recover causal effects when the data is collected under preferential selection.

Best Paper Nominee: Tractability through Exchangeability: A New Perspective on Efficient Probabilistic Inference
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Exchangeability is a central notion in statistics and probability theory. The assumption that an infinite sequence of data points is exchangeable is at the core of Bayesian statistics. However, finite exchangeability as a statistical property that renders probabilistic inference tractable is less well-understood. We develop a theory of finite exchangeability and its relation to tractable probabilistic inference. The theory is complementary to that of independence and conditional independence. We show that tractable inference in probabilistic models with high treewidth and millions of variables can be explained with the notion of finite (partial) exchangeability. We also show that existing lifted inference algorithms implicitly utilize a combination of conditional independence and partial exchangeability.

Lifting Relational MAP-LPs Using Cluster Signatures
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Inference in large scale graphical models is an important task in many domains, and in particular probabilistic relational models (e.g. Markov logic networks). Such models often exhibit considerable symmetry, and it is a challenge to devise algorithms that exploit this symmetry to speed up inference. Recently, the automorphism group has been proposed to formalize mathematically what "exploiting symmetry" means. However, obtaining symmetry derived from automorphism is GI-hard, and consequently only a small fraction of the symmetry is easily available for effective employment. In this paper, we improve upon efficiency in two ways. First, we introduce the Permutation Constraint Graph (PCG), a platform on which greater portions of the symmetries can be revealed and exploited. PCGs classify clusters of variables by projecting relations between cluster members onto a graph, allowing for the efficient pruning of symmetrical clusters even before their generation. Second, we introduce a novel framework based on PCGs for the Sherali-Adams hierarchy of linear program (LP) relaxations, dedicated to exploiting this symmetry for the benefit of tight Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) approximations. Combined with the pruning power of PCG, the framework quickly generates compact formulations for otherwise intractable LPs as demonstrated by several empirical results.

Approximate Lifting Techniques for Belief Propagation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Many AI applications need to explicitly represent the relational structure as well as handle uncertainty. First order probabilistic models combine the power of logic and probability to deal with such domains. A naive approach to inference in these models is to propositionalize the whole theory and carry out the inference on the ground network. Lifted inference techniques (such as Lifted Belief Propagation; Singla & Domingos, 2008) provide a scalable approach to inference by combining together groups of objects which behave identically. In many cases, constructing the lifted network can itself be quite costly. In addition, the exact lifted network is often very close in size to the fully propositionalized model. To overcome these problems, we present approximate lifted inference, which groups together similar but distinguishable objects and treats them as if they were identical. Early stopping terminates the execution of the lifted network construction at an early stage resulting in a coarser network. Noise tolerant hypercubes allow for marginal errors in the representation of the lifted network itself. Both of our algorithms can significantly speed-up the process of lifted network construction as well as result in much smaller models. The coarseness of the approximation can be adjusted depending on the accuracy required, and we can bound the resulting error. Extensive evaluation on six domains demonstrates great efficiency gains with only minor (or no) loss in accuracy.

Explanation-Based Approximate Weighted Model Counting for Probabilistic Logics
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Probabilistic inference in statistical relational learning and probabilistic programming can be realised using weighted model counting. Despite a lot of progress, computing weighted model counts exactly is still infeasible for most problems of interest, and one typically has to resort to approximation methods. We contribute a new bounded approximation method for weighted model counting based on probabilistic logic programming principles. Our bounded approximation algorithm is an anytime algorithm that provides lower and upper bounds on the weighted model count. An empirical evaluation on probabilistic logic programs shows that our approach is effective in many cases that are currently beyond the reach of exact methods.

10:20-11:50 Session 12H: IAAI-14: Deployed Applications
Location: Room 304A/B
Evaluation and Deployment of a People-to-People Recommender in Online Dating

ABSTRACT. This paper reports on the successful deployment of a people-to-people recommender system in a large commercial online dating site. The deployment was the result of thorough evaluation and an online trial of a number of methods, including profile-based, collaborative filtering and hybrid algorithms. Results taken a few months after deployment show that key metrics generally hold their value or show an increase compared to the trial results, and that the recommender system delivered its projected benefits.

The Quest Draft: An Automated Course Allocation Algorithm

ABSTRACT. Course allocation is one of the most complex issues facing any university, due to the sensitive nature of deciding which subset of students should be granted seats in highly-popular (market-scarce) courses. In recent years, researchers have proposed numerous solutions, using techniques in integer programming, combinatorial auction design, and matching theory. In this paper, we present a four-part AI-based course allocation algorithm that was conceived by an undergraduate student, and recently implemented at a small Canadian liberal arts university. This new allocation process, which builds upon the Harvard Business School Draft, has received overwhelming support from students and faculty for its transparency, impartiality, and effectiveness.

THink: Inferring Cognitive Status from Subtle Behaviors
SPEAKER: Randall Davis

ABSTRACT. The Digital Clock Drawing Test is a fielded application that provides a major advance over existing neuropsychological testing technology. It captures and analyzes high precision information about both outcome and process, opening up the possibility of detecting subtle cognitive impairment even when test results appear superficially normal. We describe the design and development of the test, document the role of AI in its capabilities, and report on its use over the past seven years. We outline its potential implications for earlier detection and treatment of neurological disorders. We also set the work in the larger context of the THink project, which is exploring multiple approaches to determining cognitive status through the detection and analysis of subtle behaviors.

11:35-11:50 Session 13A: AAAI-14: What's Hot Session (ICAPS)
Location: Room 301A
Challenges in Planning
11:35-11:50 Session 13B: AAAI-14: What's Hot Session (AAMAS)
Location: Room 301B
What's Hot in Autonomous Agents
SPEAKER: Noa Agmon
11:35-11:50 Session 13C: AAAI-14: Classic Paper Award Talk
Location: Room 303A
Syskill & Webert: Identifying Interesting Web Sites
11:35-11:50 Session 13D: AAAI-14: What's Hot Session (CogSci)
Location: Room 303B
What's Hot in Cognitive Science
11:50-13:00Lunch Break
11:50-13:00 Session 14: AAAI Women's Lunch
Location: Room 206A/B
13:00-14:00 Session 15: AAAI-14 Invited Talk
Location: Hall 200A
Behavioral Network Science

ABSTRACT. For a number of years, we have been conducting human subject experiments on collective and individual behavior and performance in social networks. These experiments have investigated diverse competitive, cooperative and computational tasks that include graph coloring, voting, trading and viral marketing under a wide variety of network structures. In this talk I will survey these experiments and their findings, emphasizing the questions they raise for multi-agent systems, machine learning, and other disciplines.

14:00-14:30 Session 16A: AAAI-14 Plenary Technical Session I
Location: Hall 200A
Can Agent Development Affect Developer's Strategy?
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Peer Designed Agents (PDAs), computer agents developed by non-experts, is an emerging technology, widely advocated in recent literature for the purpose of replacing people in simulations and investigating human behavior. Its main premise is that strategies programmed into these agents reliably reflect, to some extent, the behavior used by the programmer in real life. In this paper we show that PDA development has an important side effect that has not been addressed to date --- the process that merely attempts to capture one's strategy is also likely to affect the developer's strategy. The phenomenon is demonstrated experimentally using several performance measures. This result has many implications concerning the appropriate design of PDA-based simulations, and the validness of using PDAs for studying individual decision making. Furthermore, we obtain that PDA development actually improved the developer's strategy according to all performance measures. Therefore, PDA development can be suggested as a means for improving people's problem solving skills.

Active Learning with Model Selection
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Most work on active learning avoids the issue of model selection by training models of only one type (SVMs, boosted trees, etc.) using one pre-defined set of model hyperparameters. We propose an algorithm that actively samples data to simultaneously train a set of candidate models (different model types and/or different hyperparameters) and also to select the best model from this set of candidates. The algorithm actively samples points for training that are most likely to improve the accuracy of the more promising candidate models, and also samples points to use for model selection---all samples count against the same fixed labeling budget. This exposes a natural trade-off between the focused active sampling that is most effective for training models, and the unbiased uniform sampling that is better for model selection. We empirically demonstrate on six test problems that this algorithm is nearly as effective as an active learning oracle that knows the optimal model in advance.

Sketch Recognition with Natural Correction and Editing
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we target at the problem of sketch recognition. We systematically study how to incorporate users' natural correction and editing into isolated and full sketch recognition. This is a natural and necessary interaction in real systems such as Visio where extremely similar shapes exist. First, a novel algorithm is proposed to mine the prior shape knowledge for three editing modes. Second, to differentiate visually similar shapes, a novel symbol recognition algorithm is introduced by leveraging the learnt shape knowledge. Then, a novel correction/editing detection algorithm is proposed to facilitate symbol recognition. Furthermore, both of the symbol recognizer and the correction/editing detector are systematically incorporated into the full sketch recognition. Finally, based on the proposed algorithms, a real-time sketch recognition system is built to recognize hand-drawn flowchart/diagram with flexible interactions. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Designing Fast Absorbing Markov Chains
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Markov Chains are a fundamental tool for the analysis of real world phenomena and randomized algorithms. Given a graph with some specified sink nodes and an initial probability distribution, we consider the problem of designing an absorbing Markov Chain that minimizes the time required to reach a sink node, by selecting transition probabilities subject to some natural regularity constraints. By exploiting the Markovian structure, we obtain closed form expressions for the objective function as well as its gradient, which can be thus evaluated efficiently without any simulation of the underlying process and fed to a gradient-based optimization package. For the special case of designing reversible Markov Chains, we show that global optimum can be efficiently computed by exploiting convexity. We demonstrate how our method can be used to evaluate and design local search methods tailored for certain domains.

On Hair Recognition in the Wild by Machine
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We present an algorithm for identity inference using only the information from the hair. Face recognition in the wild (i.e., unconstrained settings) is highly useful in a variety of applications, but performance suffers due to many factors, e.g., obscured face, lighting variation, extreme pose angle, and expression. It is well known that humans use hair information to guide identity decisions under many of these scenarios due to either the consistent hair appearance of the same subject or obvious hair discrepancy of different subjects, but little work exists to replicate this intelligence artificially. We propose a learned hair matcher using shape, color, and texture features derived from localized patches through an AdaBoost technique with abstaining weak classifiers when features are not present in the given location. The proposed hair matcher achieves 71.53% accuracy on the LFW View 2 dataset. Hair also reduces the error of a COTS face matcher through simple score-level fusion by 5.7%.

How Do Your Friends on Social Media Disclose Your Emotions?
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Mining emotions hidden in images has attracted significant interest, in particular with the rapid development of social networks. The emotional impact is very important for understanding the intrinsic meanings of images. Despite many studies have been done, most existing methods focus on image content, but ignore the emotions of the user who has published the image. To understand the emotional impact from images, one interesting question is: How does social effect correlate with the emotion expressed in an image? Specifically, can we leverage friends interactions (e.g., discussions) related to an image to help discover the emotions? In this paper, we formally formalize the problem and propose a novel emotion learning method by jointly modeling images posted by social users and comments added by friends. One advantage of the model is that it can distinguish those comments that are closely related to the emotion expression for an image from other irrelevant ones. Experiments on an open Flickr dataset show that the proposed model can significantly improve (+37.4% by F1) the accuracy for inferring emotions from images. More interestingly, we found that half of the improvements are due to interactions between 1% of the closest friends.

Automatic Construction and Natural-Language Description of Nonparametric Regression Models
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This paper presents the beginnings of an automatic statistician, focusing on regression problems. Our system explores an open-ended space of possible statistical models to discover a good explanation of the data, and then produces a detailed report with figures and natural-language text.

Our approach treats unknown functions nonparametrically using Gaussian processes, which has two important consequences. First, Gaussian processes model functions in terms of high-level properties (e.g. smoothness, trends, periodicity, changepoints). Taken together with the compositional structure of our language of models, this allows us to automatically describe functions through a decomposition into additive parts. Second, the use of flexible nonparametric models and a rich language for composing them in an open-ended manner also results in state-of-the-art extrapolation performance evaluated over 13 real time series data sets from various domains.

Confident Reasoning on Raven’s Progressive Matrices Tests
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We report a novel approach to addressing the Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) tests, one based upon purely visual representations. Our technique introduces the calculation of confidence in an answer and the automatic adjustment of level of resolution if that confidence is insufficient. We first describe the nature of the visual analogies found on the RPM. We then exhibit our algorithm and work through a detailed example. Finally, we present the performance of our algorithm on the four major variants of the RPM tests, illustrating the impact of confidence. This is the first such account of any computational model against the entirety of the Raven’s.

Learning Deep Representations for Graph Clustering
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Recently deep learning has been successfully adopted in many applications such as speech recognition, image classification, and natural language processing. In this work, we explore the possibility of employing deep learning in graph clustering. In particular, we propose a simple method, which first learns a nonlinear embedding of the original graph by stacked autoencoder, and then runs a $k$-means algorithm on the embedding to obtain the clustering result. We show that this simple method has a solid theoretical foundation, due to the equivalence between autoencoder and spectral clustering in terms of what they actually optimize. Then, we demonstrate that the proposed method is more efficient and flexible than spectral clustering. First, the computational complexity of autoencoder is much lower than spectral clustering: the former can be linear to the number of nodes in a sparse graph while the latter is super quadratic due to its dependency on an eigenvalue decomposition. Second, when additional constraints like sparsity is imposed, we can simply employ the \emph{sparse} autoencoder developed in the literature of deep learning; however, it is non-straightforward to implement a sparse spectral method. We have conducted comprehensive experiments to test the performance of the proposed method. The results on various graph datasets show that it can significantly outperform the conventional spectral clustering method. This clearly indicates the effectiveness of deep learning in graph clustering, and enriches our understanding on the power of deep learning in general.

Capturing Difficulty Expressions in Student Online Q&A Discussions
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We introduce a new application of online dialogue analysis: supporting pedagogical assessment of online Q&A discussions. Extending the existing speech act framework, we capture common emotional expressions that often appear in student discussions, such as frustration and degree of certainty, and present a viable approach for the classification. We demonstrate how such dialogue information can be used in analyzing student discussions and identifying difficulties. In particular, the difficulty indicators are aligned to discussion patterns and student performance. We found that frustration occurs more frequently in longer discussions. The students who frequently express frustration tend to get lower grades than others. On the other hand, frequency of high certainty expressions is positively correlated with the performance. We believe emotional and informational dialogue roles are important factors in explaining discussion development and student performance. We expect such online dialogue analyses can become a powerful assessment tool for instructors and education researchers.

Quality-based Learning for Web Data Classification

ABSTRACT. The types of web data vary in terms of information quantity and quality. For example, some pages contain numerous texts, whereas some others contain few texts; some web videos are in high resolution, whereas some other web videos are in low resolution. As a consequence, the quality of extracted features from different web data may also vary greatly. Existing learning algorithms on web data classification usually ignore the variations of information quality or quantity. In this paper, the information quantity and quality of web data are described by quality-related factors such as text length and image quantity, and a new learning method is proposed to train classifiers based on quality-related factors. The method divides training data into subsets according to the clustering results of quality-related factors and then trains classifiers by using a multi-task learning strategy for each subset. Experimental results indicate that the quality-related factors are useful in web data classification, and the proposed method outperforms conventional algorithms that do not consider information quantity and quality.

A Region-Based Model for Estimating Urban Air Pollution
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Air pollution has a direct impact to human health, and data-driven air quality models are useful for evaluating population exposure to air pollutants. In this paper, we propose a novel region-based Gaussian Process model for estimating urban air pollution dispersion, and applied it to a large dataset of ultrafine particle measurements collected from a network of trams monitoring levels of ultrafine particle dispersion in the city of Zurich. We show that compared to existing grid-based models, the region-based model produces better predictions across all aggregate time scales. The new model is appropriate for many useful user applications such as anomaly detection, exposure assessment and sensor optimization.

14:00-15:35 Session 16B: IAAI-14: Resource Scheduling
Location: Room 304A/B
Deployed: Engineering Works Scheduling for Hong Kong’s Rail Network

ABSTRACT. This paper describes how AI is used to plan, schedule, and optimize nightly engineering works for both the commuter and rapid transit lines in Hong Kong. The MTR Corporation Limited operates and manages all the rail lines in Hong Kong. Its “Engineering Works and Traffic Information Management System” (ETMS) is a mission critical system that manages all information related to engineering works and their related track possessions and engineering train movements. The AI Engine described in this paper is a component of this ETMS. In Hong Kong, the maintenance, inspection, repair, or installation works along the rail lines are done during the very short non-traffic hours (NTH) of roughly 4 to 5 hours each night. These engineering works can be along the running tracks, track-side, tunnel, freight yards, sub-depots, depot maintenance tracks, etc. The proper scheduling of necessary engineering works is crucial to maintaining a reliable and safe train service during normal hours. The AI Engine optimizes resource allocation to maximize the number of engineering works that can be performed, while ensuring all safety, environment, and operational rules and constraints are met. The work described is part of a project to redesign and replace the existing ETMS, deployed in 2004, with an updated technology platform and modern IT architecture, to provide a more robust and scalable system that potentially can be deployed to other cities around the world.

Emerging: A Schedule Optimization Tool for Destructive and Non-Destructive Vehicle Tests
SPEAKER: Jeremy Ludwig

ABSTRACT. Whenever an auto manufacturer refreshes an existing car or truck model or builds a new one, the model will undergo hundreds if not thousands of tests before the factory line and tooling is finished and vehicle production beings. These tests are generally carried out on expensive, custom-made vehicles because the new factory lines for the model do not exist yet. The work presented in this paper describes how an existing intelligent scheduling software framework was modified to include domain-specific heuristics used in the vehicle test planning process. The result of this work is a prototype scheduling tool that optimizes the overall given test schedule in order to complete the work in a given time window while minimizing the total number of vehicles required for the test schedule. Initial results are presented that show a reduction in required test vehicles compared to manual scheduling of the same tasks as well as increased capability to ask “what-if” questions to further improve the schedule.

Emerging: STREETS: Game-Theoretic Traffic Patrolling with Exploration and Exploitation
SPEAKER: Matthew Brown

ABSTRACT. To dissuade reckless driving and mitigate accidents, cities deploy resources to patrol roads. In this paper, we present STREETS, an application developed for the city of Singapore, which models the problem of computing randomized traffic patrol strategies as a defender-attacker Stackelberg game. Previous work on Stackelberg security games has focused extensively on counter-terrorism settings. STREETS moves beyond counter-terrorism and represents the first use of Stackelberg games for traffic patrolling, in the process providing a novel algorithm for solving such games that addresses three major challenges in modeling and scale-up. First, there exists a high degree of unpredictability in travel times through road networks, which we capture using a Markov Decision Process for planning the patrols of the defender (the police) in the game. Second, modeling all possible police patrols and their interactions with a large number of adversaries (drivers) introduces a significant scalability challenge. To address this challenge we apply a compact game representation in a novel fashion combined with adversary and state sampling. Third, patrol strategies must balance exploitation (minimizing violations) with exploration (maximizing omnipresence), a tradeoff we model by solving a bi-objective optimization problem. We present experimental results using real-world traffic data from Singapore. This work is done in collaboration with the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs and is currently being evaluated by the Singapore Police Force.

Emerging: AI-MIX: Using Automated Planning to Steer Human Workers Towards Better Crowdsourced Plans

ABSTRACT. One subclass of human computation applications are those directed at tasks that involve planning (e.g. tour planning) and scheduling (e.g. conference scheduling). Interestingly, work on these systems shows that even primitive forms of automated oversight on the human contributors helps in significantly improving the effectiveness of the humans/crowd. In this paper, we argue that the automated oversight used in these systems can be viewed as a primitive automated planner, and that there are several opportunities for more sophisticated automated planning in effectively steering the crowd. Straightforward adaptation of current planning technology is however hampered by the mismatch between the capabilities of human workers and automated planners. We identify and partially address two important challenges that need to be overcome before such adaptation of planning technology can occur: (1 interpreting inputs of the human workers (and the requester) and (2) steering or critiquing plans produced by the human workers, armed only with incomplete domain and preference models. To these ends, we describe the implementation of AI-MIX, a tour plan generation system that uses automated checks and alerts to improve the quality of plans created by human workers; and present a preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of steering provided by automated planning.

14:10-14:50 Session 17: EAAI-14 Teaching and Mentoring Workshop, Part II
Location: Room 203
14:35-15:35 Session 18A: AAAI-14: Robotics
Location: Room 301A
Robust Visual Robot Localization Across Seasons using Network Flows
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Image-based localization is an important problem in robotics and an integral part of visual mapping and navigation systems. An approach to robustly matching images to previously recorded ones must be able to cope with seasonal changes especially when it is supposed to work reliably over long periods of time. In this paper, we present a novel approach to visual localization of mobile robots in outdoor environments, which is able to deal with substantial seasonal changes. We formulate image matching as a minimum cost flow problem in a data association graph to effectively exploit sequence information. This allows us to deal with non-matching image sequences that result from temporal occlusions or from visiting new places. We present extensive experimental evaluations under substantial seasonal changes. They suggest that our approach allows for an accurate matching across seasons and outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods such as FABMAP2 and SeqSLAM in such a context.

A Framework for Task Planning in Heterogeneous Multi Robot Systems Based on Robot Capabilities
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In heterogeneous multi-robot teams, robustness and flexibility are increased by the diversity of the robots, each contributing different capabilities. Yet platform- independence is desirable when planning actions for the various robots. This work develops a framework for task planning based on a platform-independent model of robots capabilities, building on a temporal planner. Generating new data objects during planning is essential to reflect data flow between actions in a robotic system. This requires online action instantiation, for which we present a novel approach. Required concurrency of actions is an essential part of robotic systems and therefore is incorporated in the framework. We evaluate the planner on benchmark domains and present results on an example object transportation task in simulation.

Schedule-based Robotic Search for Multiple Residents in a Retirement Home Environment
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper we address the planning problem of a robot searching for multiple residents in a retirement home in order to remind them of an upcoming multi-person recreational activity before a given deadline. We introduce a novel Multi-User Schedule Based (M-USB) Search approach which generates a high-level-plan to maximize the number of residents that are found within the given time frame. From the schedules of the residents, the layout of the retirement home environment as well as direct observations by the robot, we obtain spatio-temporal likelihood functions for the individual residents. The main contribution of our work is the development of a novel approach to compute a reward to find a search plan for the robot using: 1) the likelihood functions, 2) the availabilities of the residents, and 3) the order in which the residents should be found. Simulations were conducted on a floor of a real retirement home to compare our proposed M-USB Search approach to a Weighted Informed Walk and a Random Walk. Our results show that the proposed M-USB Search finds residents in a shorter amount of time by visiting fewer rooms when compared to the other approaches.

GP-Localize: Persistent Mobile Robot Localization using Online Sparse Gaussian Process Observation Model
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Central to robot exploration and mapping is the task of persistent localization in environmental fields characterized by spatially correlated measurements. This paper presents a novel Gaussian process localization (GP-Localize) algorithm that, in contrast to existing works, can exploit the spatially correlated field measurements taken during a robot's exploration (instead of relying on prior training data) for efficiently and scalably learning the GP observation model online. As a result, GP-Localize is capable of achieving constant time and memory in the size of the data per filtering step, which demonstrates the practical feasibility of using GPs for persistent robot localization. Empirical evaluation via simulated experiments with real-world datasets and a real robot experiment shows that GP-Localize outperforms existing GP localization algorithms.

14:35-15:35 Session 18B: AAAI-14: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Location: Room 301B
A Tractable Approach to ABox Abduction over Description Logic Ontologies
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. ABox abduction is an important reasoning mechanism for description logic ontologies. It computes all minimal explanations (sets of ABox assertions) whose appending to a consistent ontology enforces the entailment of an observation while keeps the ontology consistent. We focus on practical computation for a general problem of ABox abduction, called the query abduction problem, where an observation is a Boolean conjunctive query and the explanations may contain fresh individuals neither in the ontology nor in the observation. However, in this problem there can be infinitely many minimal explanations. Hence we first identify a class of TBoxes called first-order rewritable TBoxes. It guarantees the existence of finitely many minimal explanations and is sufficient for many ontology applications. To reduce the number of explanations that need to be computed, we introduce a special kind of minimal explanations called representative explanations from which all minimal explanations can be retrieved. We develop a tractable method (in data complexity) for computing all representative explanations in a consistent ontology whose TBox is first-order rewritable. Experimental results demonstrate that the method is efficient and scalable for ontologies with large ABoxes.

Reasoning on LTL on Finite Traces: Insensitivity to Infiniteness
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper we study when an LTL formula on finite traces (LTLf formula) is insensitive to infiniteness, that is, it can be correctly handled as a formula on infinite traces under the assumption that at a certain point the infinite trace starts repeating an end event forever, trivializing all other propositions to false. This intuition has been put forward and (wrongly) assumed to hold in general in the literature. We define a necessary and sufficient condition to characterize whether an LTLf formula is insensitive to infiniteness, which can be automatically checked by any LTL reasoner. Then, we show that typical LTLf specification patterns used in process and service modeling in CS, as well as trajectory constraints in Planning and transition-based LTLf specifications of action domains in KR, are indeed very often insensitive to infiniteness. This may help to explain why the assumption of interpreting LTL on finite and on infinite traces has been (wrongly) blurred. Possibly because of this blurring, virtually all literature detours to Buechi automata for constructing the NFA that accepts the traces satisfying an LTLf formula. As a further contribution, we give a simple direct algorithm for computing such NFA.

Datalog Rewritability of Disjunctive Datalog Programs and its Applications to Ontology Reasoning
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We study the problem of rewriting a disjunctive datalog program into plain datalog. We show that a disjunctive program is rewritable if and only if it is equivalent to a linear disjunctive program, thus providing a novel characterisation of datalog rewritability. Motivated by this result, we propose weakly linear disjunctive datalog---a novel rule-based KR language that extends both datalog and linear disjunctive datalog and for which reasoning is tractable in data complexity. We then explore applications of weakly linear programs to ontology reasoning and propose a tractable extension of OWL 2 RL with disjunctive axioms. Our empirical results suggest that many non-Horn ontologies can be reduced to weakly linear programs and that query answering over such ontologies using a datalog engine is feasible in practice.

Capturing Relational Schemas and Functional Dependencies in RDFS
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Mapping relational data to RDF is an important task for the development of the Semantic Web. To this end, the W3C has recently released a Recommendation for the so-called direct mapping of relational data to RDF. In this work, we propose an enrichment of the direct mapping to make it more faithful by transferring also semantic information present in the relational schema from the relational world to the RDF world. We thus introduce expressive identification constraints to capture functional dependencies and define an RDF Normal Form, which precisely captures the classical Boyce-Codd Normal Form of relational schemas.

14:35-15:35 Session 18C: AAAI-14: Vision
Location: Room 302A
Semantic Graph Construction for Weakly-Supervised Image Parsing
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We investigate weakly-supervised image parsing, i.e., assigning class labels to image regions by using image-level labels only. Existing studies pay main attention to the formulation of the weakly-supervised learning problem, i.e., how to propagate class labels from images to regions given an affinity graph of regions. Notably, however, the affinity graph of regions, which is generally constructed in relatively simpler settings in existing methods, is of crucial importance to the parsing performance due to the fact that the weakly-supervised parsing problem cannot be solved within a single image, and that the affinity graph enables label propagation among multiple images. In order to embed more semantics into the affinity graph, we propose novel criteria by exploiting the weak supervision information carefully, and develop two graphs: L1 semantic graph and k-NN semantic graph. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed semantic graphs not only capture more semantic relevance, but also perform significantly better than conventional graphs in image parsing.

Efficient Object Detection via Adaptive Online Selection of Sensor-Array Elements

ABSTRACT. We examine how to use emerging far-infrared imager ensembles to detect certain objects of interest (e.g., faces, hands, people and animals) in synchronized RGB video streams at very low power. We formulate the problem as one of selecting subsets of sensing elements (among many thousand possibilities) from the ensembles for tests. The subset selection problem is naturally {\em adaptive} and {\em online}: testing certain elements early can obviate the need for testing many others later, and selection policies must be updated at inference time. We pose the ensemble sensor selection problem as a structured extension of test-cost-sensitive classification, propose a principled suite of techniques to exploit ensemble structure to speed up processing and show how to re-estimate policies fast. We estimate reductions in power consumption of roughly 50x relative to even highly optimized implementations of face detection, a canonical object-detection problem. We also illustrate the benefits of adaptivity and online estimation.

Grounding Acoustic Echoes In Single View Geometry Estimation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Extracting the 3D geometry plays an important part in scene understanding. Recently, structured prediction-based, robust visual descriptors are proposed for extracting the indoor scene layout from a passive agent’s perspective, i.e., single image. This robustness is mainly due to modeling the physical interaction of the underlying room geometry with the objects and the humans present in the room. In this work we add the physical constraints coming from acoustic echoes, generated by an audio source, to this visual model. Our audio-visual 3D geometry descriptor improves over the state of the art in passive perception models as shown by experiments.

Sub-Selective Quantization for Large-Scale Image Search
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Recently with the explosive growth of visual content on the Internet, large-scale image search has attracted intensive attention. It has been shown that mapping high-dimensional image descriptors to compact binary codes can lead to considerable efficiency gains in both storage and similarity computation of images. However, most existing methods still suffer from expensive training devoted to large-scale binary code learning. To address this issue, we propose a sub-selection based matrix manipulation algorithm which can significantly reduce the computational cost of code learning. As case studies, we apply the sub-selection algorithm to two popular quantization techniques PCA Quantization (PCAQ) and Iterative Quantization (ITQ). Crucially, we can justify the resulting sub-selective quantization by proving its theoretic properties. Extensive experiments are carried out on three image benchmarks with up to one million samples, corroborating the efficacy of the sub-selective quantization method in terms of image retrieval.

14:35-15:35 Session 18D: AAAI-14: Cognitive Systems
Location: Room 302B
Learning Compositional Sparse Models of Bimodal Percepts
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Various perceptual domains have underlying compositional semantics that are rarely captured in current models. We suspect this is because directly learning the compositional structure has evaded these models. Yet, the compositional structure of a given domain can be grounded in a separate domain thereby simplifying its learning. To that end, we propose a new approach to modeling bimodal percepts that explicitly relates distinct projections across each modality and then jointly learns a bimodal sparse representation. The resulting model enables compositionality across these distinct projections and hence can generalize to unobserved percepts spanned by this compositional basis. For example, our model can be trained on "red triangles" and "blue squares"; yet, implicitly will also have learned "red squares" and "blue triangles". The structure of the projections and hence the compositional basis is learned automatically for a given language model. To test our model, we have acquired a new bimodal dataset comprising images and spoken utterances of colored shapes in a tabletop setup. Our experiments demonstrate the benefits of explicitly leveraging compositionality in both quantitative and human evaluation studies.

Learning Goal-Oriented Hierarchical Tasks from Situated Interactive Instruction
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Our research aims at building interactive robots and agent that can expand their knowledge by interacting with human users. In this paper, we focus on learning goal-oriented tasks from situated interactive instructions. Learning novel tasks is a challenging computational problem requiring the agent to acquire a variety of knowledge including goal definitions and hierarchical control information. We frame acquisition of hierarchical tasks as an explanation-based learning (EBL) problem and propose an interactive learning variant of EBL for a robotic agent. We show that our approach can exploit information in situated instructions along with the domain knowledge to demonstrate fast generalization on several tasks.The knowledge acquired transfers across structurally similar tasks. Finally, we show that our approach seamlessly combines agent-driven exploration with instructions for mixed-initiative learning.

Social Planning: Achieving Goals by Altering Others' Mental States
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we discuss a computational approach to the cognitive task of social planning. First, we specify a class of planning problems that involve an agent who attempts to achieve its goals by altering other agents' mental states. Next, we describe SFPS, a flexible problem solver that generates social plans of this sort, including ones that include deception and reasoning about other agents' beliefs. We report the results for experiments on social scenarios that involve different levels of sophistication and that demonstrate both SFPS' capabilities and the sources of its power. Finally, we discuss how our approach to social planning has been informed by earlier work in the area and propose directions for additional research on the topic.

Using Narrative Function to Extract Qualitative Information from Natural Language Texts
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Understanding natural language about the continuous world is an important problem for cognitive systems. The naturalness of qualitative reasoning suggests that qualitative representations might be an important component of the semantics of natural language. Prior work showed that frame-based representations of qualitative process theory constructs could indeed be extracted from natural language texts. That technique relied on the parser recognizing specific syntactic constructions, which had limited coverage. This paper describes a new approach, using narrative function to represent the higher-order relationships between the constituents of a sentence and between sentences in a discourse. We outline how narrative function combined with query-driven abduction enables the same kinds of information to be extracted from natural language texts. Moreover, we also show how the same technique can be used to extract type-level qualitative representations from text, and used to improve performance in playing a strategy game.

14:35-15:35 Session 18E: AAAI-14: Machine Learning Applications
Location: Room 303A
Identifying Differences in Physician Communication Styles with a Log-Linear Transition Component Model
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We consider the task of grouping doctors with respect to communication patterns exhibited in outpatient visits. We propose a novel approach toward this end in which we model speech act transitions in conversations via a log-linear model incorporating physician specific components. We train this model over transcripts of outpatient visits annotated with speech act codes and then cluster physicians in (a transformation of) this parameter space. We find significant correlations between the induced groupings and patient survey response data comprising ratings of physician communication. Furthermore, the novel sequential component model we leverage to induce this clustering allows us to explore differences across these groups. This work demonstrates how statistical AI might be used to better understand (and ultimately improve) physician communication.

Accurate Household Occupant Behavior Modeling Based on Data Mining Techniques
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. An important requirement of household energy simulation models is their accuracy in estimating energy demand and its fluctuations. Occupant behavior has a major impact upon energy demand. However, Markov chains, the traditional approach to model occupant behavior, (1) has limitations in accurately capturing the coordinated behavior of occupants and (2) is prone to over-fitting. To address these issues, we propose a novel approach that relies on a combination of data mining techniques. The core idea of our model is to determine the behavior of occupants based on nearest neighbor comparison over a database of sample data. Importantly, the model takes into account features related to the coordination of occupants' activities. We use a customized distance function suited for mixed categorical and numerical data. Further, association rule learning allows us to capture the coordination between occupants. Using real data from four households in Japan we are able to show that our model outperforms the traditional Markov chain model with respect to occupant coordination and generalization of behavior patterns.

Learning Latent Engagement Patterns of Students in Online Courses
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Maintaining and cultivating student engagement is a critical component of education. In various teaching settings, communication via online forums, electronic quizzes, and interaction with multimedia can include valuable information for assessing and understanding student engagement. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) measure large-scale data of this nature and provide the opportunity for data-driven study. Characterizing student engagement as a course progresses helps identify student learning patterns and can aid in minimizing dropout rates, initiating instructor intervention. In this paper, we construct a probabilistic model connecting student behavior and class completion, formulating student engagement types as latent variables. We show that our model accurately identifies course success indicators, which can be used by instructors to initiate interventions and assist students.

Decomposing Activities of Daily Living to Discover Routine Clusters
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. An activity recognition system tries to analyze measurements of activities of daily living (ADLs) and automatically recognize whether someone is sitting, walking or running. Most of the existing approaches either have to rely on a model trained by a preselected and manually labeled set of activities, or perform micro-pattern analysis method, which requires manual selection of the lengths and the number of micro-patterns. Because real life ADL datasets are massive, the cost associated with these manual efforts is too high. As a result, these approaches limit the discovery of ADL patterns from real life datasets in a scalable way.

We propose a novel approach to extract meaningful patterns found in time-series ADL data. We use a matrix decomposition method to isolate routines and deviations to obtain two different sets of clusters. We obtain the final memberships via the cross product of these sets. We validate our approach using two real-life ADL datasets and a well-known artificial dataset. Based on average silhouette width scores, our approach can capture strong structures in the underlying data. Furthermore, results show that our approach improves on the accuracy of the baseline algorithms by 12% with a statistical significance (p<0.05) using the Wilcoxon signed-rank comparison test.

14:35-15:35 Session 18F: AAAI-14: Game Theory and Economic Paradigms / Multiagent Systems
Location: Room 303B
Increasing VCG Revenue by Decreasing the Quality of Items
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The VCG mechanism is the standard method to incentivize bidders in combinatorial auctions to bid truthfully. Under the VCG mechanism, the auctioneer can sometimes increase revenue by “burning” items. We study this phenomenon in a setting where items are described by a number of attributes. The value of an attribute corresponds to a quality level, and bidders’ valuations are non-decreasing in the quality levels. In addition to burning items, we allow the auctioneer to present some of the attributes as lower quality than they actually are. We study the following two revenue maximization problems under VCG: finding an optimal way to mark down items by reducing their quality levels, and finding an optimal set of items to burn. We study the effect of the following parameters on the computational complexity of these two problems: the number of attributes, the number of quality levels per attribute, and the complexity of the bidders’ valuation functions. Bidders have unit demand, so VCG’s outcome can be computed in polynomial time, and the valuation functions we consider are step functions that are non-decreasing with the quality levels. We prove that both problems are NP-hard even in the following three simple settings: a) four attributes, arbitrarily many quality levels per attribute, and single-step valuation functions, b) arbitrarily many attributes, two quality levels per attribute, and single-step valuation functions, and c) one attribute, arbitrarily many quality-levels, and multi-step valuation functions. For the case where items have only one attribute, and every bidder has a single-step valuations (that is zero below some quality threshold), we show that both problems can be solved in polynomial-time using a dynamic programming approach. For this case, we also quantify how much better marking down is than item burning, and provide examples where the improvement is best possible. Finally, we compare the revenue of both approaches with computational experiments.

Incentives for Truthful Information Elicitation of Continuous Signals
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Information elicitation mechanisms represent an important component of many information aggregation techniques, such as product reviews, community sensing, or opinion polls. We propose a novel mechanism that elicits both private signals and beliefs. The mechanism extends the previous versions of the Bayesian Truth Serums (the original BTS, the RBTS, and the multi-valued BTS), by allowing small populations and non-binary private signals, while not requiring additional assumptions on the belief updating process. For priors that are sufficiently smooth, such as Gaussians, the mechanism allows signals to be continuous.

Equilibria in Epidemic Containment Games
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The spread of epidemics and malware is commonly modeled by diffusion processes on networks. Protective interventions such as vaccinations or installing anti-virus software are used to contain their spread. Typically, each node in the network has to decide its own strategy of securing itself, and its benefit depends on which other nodes are secure, making this a natural game-theoretic setting. There has been a lot of work on network security game models, but most of the focus has been either on simplified epidemic models or homogeneous network structure.

We develop a new formulation for an epidemic containment game, which relies on the characterization of the SIS model in terms of the spectral radius of the network. We show that, in this model, pure Nash equilibria (NE) always exist, and can be found by a best response strategy. We analyze the complexity of finding NE, and derive rigorous bounds on their costs and the Price of Anarchy or PoA (the ratio of the costs of the worst NE to the best NE) in general graphs as well as in random graph models. In particular, for arbitrary power-law graphs with exponent $\beta>2$, we show that the PoA is bounded by $O(T^{2(\beta-1)})$, where $T=\gamma/\alpha$ is the ratio of the recovery rate to the transmission rate in the SIS model. For the Chung-Lu random power-law graph model, we prove this bound is tight for the PoA. We study the characteristics of Nash equilibria empirically in different real communication and infrastructure networks, and find that our analytical results can help explain some of the empirical observations.

14:50-15:40 Session 19: EAAI-14 Networking and Brainstorming Session
Location: Room 203
15:35-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 Session 20: AAAI-14 Invited Talk
Location: Hall 200A
The Global Literacy Project: Technology to Power Child-Driven Learning

ABSTRACT. Children are the most precious natural resource of any nation. Education opens the mind of a child to a potential lifetime of knowledge in all its varieties, personal growth, and critical and creative thinking. Yet, it is estimated that around 67 million children live in poor, remote areas where there is no access to schools and where everyone around them is illiterate. There are at least another 100 million children who live where schooling is so inadequate, that they also fail to achieve education any meaningful manner. There are, and always will be, places in every country in the world where good schools will not exist and good teachers will not want to go. Even in developed countries such as the United States, literacy rates, especially in areas of poverty, are unacceptably low. And over 40 percent of preschool aged children in the US are not enrolled in preschool. Too many children enter Kindergarten not ready to learn, and too few ever catch up.

We need a fundamentally different approach to this set of issues. Advances in new, affordable mobile computer technologies, growing ubiquity of connectivity to the Internet with cloud computing, big data analytics, even social robots allows us to explore fundamentally new ways of educating and promoting readiness skills of young children — even in these extreme contexts. It allows us to develop a new platform for global literacy: to support science, technology and content development, and to evaluate their impact on learning outcomes for even these most extreme contexts.

I will present both the vision and early initiatives and results to date of our multi-university team's work in the pursuit of this provocative mission. This is a story of technological innovation, community, and the power of child-driven learning on a global scale. What we can learn from this endeavor has to potential to help us think differently about education and technology in both formal and informal learning environments, even in the most extreme learning environments. As a novel platform, we invite participation of the global community to make a difference in the lives of children everywhere.

17:00-17:30 Session 21: AAAI-14 Plenary Technical Session II
Location: Hall 200A
Solving Imperfect Information Games Using Decomposition
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Decomposition, i.e., independently analyzing possible subgames, has proven to be an essential principle for effective decision-making in perfect information games. However, in imperfect information games, decomposition has proven to be problematic. To date, all proposed techniques for decomposition in imperfect information games have abandoned theoretical guarantees. This work presents the first technique for decomposing an imperfect information game into subgames that can be solved independently, while retaining optimality guarantees on the full-game solution. We can use this technique to construct theoretically justified algorithms that make better use of information available at run-time, overcome memory or disk limitations at run-time, or make a time/space trade-off to overcome memory or disk limitations while solving a game. In particular, we present an algorithm for subgame solving which guarantees performance in the whole game, in contrast to existing methods which may have unbounded error. In addition, we present an offline game solving algorithm, CFR-D, which can produce a Nash equilibrium for a game that is larger than available storage.

Exploiting Competition Relationship for Robust Visual Recognition
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Joint learning of similar tasks has been a popular trend in visual recognition and proven to be beneficial. The between-task similarity typically provides useful cues, such as feature sharing, for learning visual classifiers. By contrast, the competition relationship between visual recognition tasks (\eg, content independent writer identification and handwriting recognition) remains largely under-explored. Intuitively, the between-task competition can be used to guide the feature selection process that plays a key role when learning a visual classifier. Motivated by this intuition, we propose a novel algorithm to exploit competition relationship for improving visual recognition tasks. More specifically, given a target task and its competing tasks, we jointly model them by a generalized additive regression model with competition constraints. This constraint effectively discourages choosing of irrelevant features (weak learners) that are good for the tasks with competition relationships . The proposed algorithm is named \emph{CompBoost} since it can be viewed extended from the RealAdaboost algorithm. We apply CompBoost to two visual recognition applications: (1) content-independent writer identification from handwriting scripts by exploiting competing tasks of handwriting recognition, and (2) actor-independent facial expression recognition by exploiting competing tasks of face recognition. In both experiments our approach demonstrates promising performance gains by exploiting the between-task competition relationships.

Source Free Transfer Learning for Text Classification
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Transfer learning uses relevant auxiliary data to help the learning task in a target domain where labeled data are usually insufficient to train an accurate model. Given appropriate auxiliary data, researchers have proposed many transfer learning models. How to find such auxiliary data, however, is of little research in the past. In this paper, we focus on this auxiliary data retrieval problem, and propose a transfer learning framework that effectively selects helpful auxiliary data from an open knowledge space (e.g. the World Wide Web). Because there is no need of manually selecting auxiliary data for different target domain tasks, we call our framework Source Free Transfer Learning (SFTL). For each target domain task, SFTL framework iteratively queries for the helpful auxiliary data based on the learned model and then updates the model using the retrieved auxiliary data. We highlight the automatic constructions of queries and the robustness of the SFTL framework. Our experiments on the 20 NewsGroup dataset and the Google search snippets dataset suggest that the new framework is capable to have the comparable performance to those state-of-the-art methods with dedicated selections of auxiliary data.

Locality Preserving Hashing
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Hashing has recently attracted considerable attention for large scale similarity search. However, learning compact codes with good performance is still a challenge. In many cases, the real-world data lies on a low-dimensional manifold embedded in high-dimensional ambient space. To capture meaningful neighbors, a compact hashing representation should uncover the intrinsic geometric structure of the manifold, e.g., the neighborhood relationships between subregions. Most existing hashing methods only consider this issue during mapping data points into certain projected dimensions. When getting the binary codes, they either directly quantize the projected values with a threshold, or use an orthogonal matrix to refine the initial projection matrix, which both consider projection and quantization separately, and it will not well preserve the locality structure in the whole learning process. In this paper, we propose a novel hashing algorithm called Locality Preserving Hashing to effectively solve the above problems. Specifically, we learn a set of locality preserving projections with a joint optimization framework, which minimizes the average projection distance and quantization loss simultaneously. Experimental comparisons with other state-of-the-art methods on two large scale databases demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.

R2: An Efficient MCMC Sampler for Probabilistic Programs
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We present a new Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithm for probabilistic programs. Our approach and tool, called R2, has the unique feature of employing program analysis in order to improve the efficiency of MCMC sampling. Given an input program P, R2 propagates observations in P backwards to obtain a semantically equivalent program P' in which every probabilistic assignment is immediately followed by an observe statement. Inference is performed by a suitably modified version of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that exploits the structure of the program P0. This has the overall effect of preventing rejections due to program executions that fail to satisfy observations in P. We formalize the semantics of probabilistic programs and rigorously prove the correctness of R2.We also empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of R2—--in particular, we show that R2 is able to produce results of similar quality as the Church and Stan probabilistic programming tools with much shorter execution time.

Modeling and Predicting Popularity Dynamics via Reinforced Poisson Process
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. An ability to predict the popularity dynamics of individual items within a complex evolving system has important implications in an array of areas. Here we propose a generative probabilistic framework using a reinforced Poisson process to model explicitly the process through which individual items gain their popularity. This model distinguishes itself from existing models via its capability of modeling the arrival process of popularity and its remarkable power at predicting the popularity of individual items. It possesses the flexibility of applying Bayesian treatment to further improve the predictive power using a conjugate prior. Extensive experiments on a longitudinal citation dataset demonstrate that this model consistently outperforms existing popularity prediction methods

Tailoring Local Search for Partial MaxSAT
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Partial MaxSAT (PMS) is a generalization to SAT and MaxSAT. Many real world problems can be encoded into PMS in a more natural and compact way than SAT and MaxSAT. In this paper, we propose new ideas for local search for PMS, which mainly rely on the distinction between hard and soft clauses. We then use these ideas to develop a local search PMS algorithm called Dist. Experimental results on PMS benchmarks from MaxSAT Evaluation 2013 show that Dist significantly outperforms state-of-the-art PMS algorithms, including both local search algorithms and complete ones, on random and crafted benchmarks. For the industrial benchmark, Dist dramatically outperforms previous local search algorithms and is comparable and complementary to complete algorithms.

Multi-Instance Learning with Distribution Change
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Multi-instance learning deals with tasks where each example is a bag of instances, and the bag labels of training data are known whereas instance labels are unknown. Most previous studies on multi-instance learning assumed that the training and testing data are from the same distribution; however, this assumption is often violated in real tasks. In this paper, we present possibly the first study on multi-instance learning with distribution change. We propose the MICS approach by considering both bag-level distribution change and instance-level distribution change. Experiments show that MICS is almost always significantly better than many state-of-the-art multi-instance learning approaches when distribution change occurs, and even when there is no distribution change, it is still highly competitive.

A Strategy-Proof Online Auction with Time Discounting Values
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Online mechanism design has been widely applied to various practical applications. However, designing a strategy-proof online mechanism is much more challenging than that in a static scenario due to short of knowledge of future information. In this paper, we investigate online auctions with time discounting values, in contrast to the flat values studied in most of existing work. We present a strategy-proof 2-competitive online auction mechanism despite of time discounting values. We also implement our design and compare it with off-line optimal solution. Our numerical results show that our design achieves good performance in terms of social welfare, revenue, average winning delay, and average valuation loss.

Non-linear Label Ranking for Large-scale Prediction of Long-Term User Interests
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We consider the problem of personalization of online services from the viewpoint of display ad targeting, where we seek to find the best ad categories to be shown to each user, resulting in improved user experience and increased advertiser's revenue. We propose to address this problem as a task of ranking the ad categories by each user's preferences, and introduce a novel label ranking approach capable of efficiently learning non-linear, highly accurate models in large-scale settings. Experiments on real-world advertising data set with more than 3.2 million users show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing solutions in terms of both rank loss and top-K retrieval performance, strongly suggesting the benefit of using the proposed model on large-scale ranking problems.

Improving Semi-Supervised Target Alignment via Label-Aware Base Kernels
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Currently, a large family of kernel methods for semi-supervised learning(SSL) problems builds the kernel by weighted average of predefined base kernels (i.e., those spanned by kernel eigenvectors). Optimization of the base kernel weights has been studied extensively in the literatures. However, little attention was devoted to designing high-quality base kernels. Note that the eigenvectors of the kernel matrix, which are computed irrespective of class labels, may not always reveal useful structures of the target. As a result, the generalization performance can be poor however hard the base kernel weighting is tuned. On the other hand, there are many SSL algorithms whose focus is not on kernel design but instead the estimation of the class labels directly. Motivated by the label propagation approach, in this paper we propose to construct novel kernel eigenvectors by injecting the class label information under the framework of eigenfunction extrapolation. A set of ``label-aware'' base kernels can be obtained with greatly improved quality, which leads to higher target alignment and henceforth better performance. Our approach is computationally efficient, and demonstrates encouraging performance in semi-supervised classification and regression tasks.

Combining Multiple Correlated Reward and Shaping Signals by Measuring Confidence
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Multi-objective problems with correlated objectives are a class of problems that deserve specific attention. In contrast to typical multi-objective problems, they do not require the identification of trade-offs between the objectives, as (near-) optimal solutions for any objective are (near-) optimal for every objective. Intelligently combining the feedback from these objectives, instead of only looking at a single one, can improve optimization. This class of problems is very relevant in reinforcement learning, as any single-objective reinforcement learning problem can be framed as such a multi-objective problem using multiple reward shaping functions. After discussing this problem class, we propose a solution technique for such reinforcement learning problems, called adaptive objective selection. This technique makes a temporal difference learner estimate the Q-function for each objective in parallel, and introduces a way to measure confidence in these estimates. This confidence metric is then used to choose which objective's estimates to use for action selection. We show significant improvements in performance over other plausible techniques on two problem domains. Finally, we provide an intuitive analysis of the technique's decisions, yielding insights into the nature of the problems being solved.

17:30-18:15 Session 22: AAAI-14 Poster Session I:A and Reception (Also includes Plenary Session I and II Papers)
Location: Hall 200C
Exploring the Boundaries of Decidable Verification of Non-Terminating Golog Programs
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The action programming language \Golog\ has been found useful for the control of autonomous agents such as mobile robots. In scenarios like these, tasks are often open-ended so that the respective control programs are non-terminating. Before deploying such programs on a robot, it is often desirable to verify that they meet certain requirements. For this purpose, Claßen and Lakemeyer recently introduced algorithms for the verification of temporal properties of Golog programs. However, given the expressiveness of Golog, their verification procedures are not guaranteed to terminate. In this paper, we show how decidability can be obtained by suitably restricting the underlying base logic, the effect axioms for primitive actions, and the use of actions within Golog programs. Moreover, we show that dropping any of these restrictions immediately leads to undecidability of the verification problem.

Oversubscription Planning: Complexity and Compilability
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Many real-world planning problems are oversubscription problems where all goals are not simultaneously achievable and the planner needs to find a feasible subset. We present complexity results for the so-called partial satisfaction and net benefit problems under various restrictions; this extends previous work by van den Briel et al. Our results reveal strong connections between these problems and with classical planning. We also present a method for efficiently compiling oversubscription problems into the ordinary plan existence problem; this generalizes previous work by Keyder & Geffner.

Joint Morphological Generation and Syntactic Linearization
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. There has been a growing interest in stochastic methods to natural language generation (NLG). While most NL- G pipelines separate morphological generation and syn- tactic linearization, the two tasks are closely related to each other. In this paper, we study joint morphological generation and linearization, making use of word order and inflections information for both tasks and reducing error propagation. Our experiments show that the join- t method significantly outperforms a strong pipelined baseline (by 1.0 BLEU points). It also achieves the best reported result on the Generation Challenge 2011 shared task.

Elementary Loops Revisited
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The notions of loops and loop formulas play an important role in answer set computation. However, there would be an exponential number of loops in the worst case. Recently, Gebser and Schaub characterized a subclass elementary loops and showed that they are sufficient for selecting answer sets from models of a logic program. In this paper, we propose an alternative definition of elementary loops. Based on the new perspective, we identify a subclass of elementary loops, called proper loops, and show that, by applying a special form of their loop formulas, they are also sufficient for the SAT-based answer set computation. We also provide a polynomial algorithm to recognize a proper loop and show that for certain logic programs, identifying all proper loops of a program is more efficient than identifying all elementary loops. Furthermore, we prove that, by considering the structure of the positive body-head dependency graph of a program, a large number of loops could be ignored for identifying proper loops. Based on the observation, we provide another algorithm for identifying all proper loops of a program. The experiments show that, for certain programs whose dependency graphs consisting of sets of components that are densely connected inside and sparsely connected outside, the new algorithm is more efficient.

MaxSAT by Improved Instance‐Specific Algorithm Configuration
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Our objective is to boost the state-of-the-art performance in MaxSAT solving. To this end, we employ the instance-specific algorithm configurator ISAC and improve it by combining it with the latest in portfolio technology. Experimental results on SAT show that this combination marks a significant step forward in our ability to tune algorithms instance-specifically. We then apply the new methodology to a number of MaxSAT problem domains and show that the resulting solvers consistently outperform the best existing solvers on the respective problem families. In fact, the solvers presented here were independently evaluated at the 2013 MaxSAT Evaluation where they won six out of eleven categories.

An Experimentally Efficient Method for (MSS,CoMSS) Partitioning
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. MSS (Maximal Satisfiable Subset) and CoMSS (also called Minimal Correction Subset) concepts play a key role in many A.I. approaches and techniques. In this paper, a novel algorithm for partitioning a Boolean CNF into one MSS and its corresponding CoMSS is introduced. Extensive empirical evaluation shows that it is more robust and more efficient on most instances than currently available techniques.

Extending Tournament Solutions
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. An important subclass of social choice functions, so-called majoritarian (or C1) functions, only take into account the pairwise majority relation between alternatives. In the absence of majority ties--e.g., when there is an odd number of agents with linear preferences--the majority relation is antisymmetric and complete and can thus conveniently be represented by a tournament. Tournaments have a rich mathematical theory and many formal results for majoritarian functions assume that the majority relation constitutes a tournament. Moreover, most majoritarian functions have only been defined for tournaments and allow for a variety of generalizations to unrestricted preference profiles, none of which can be seen as the unequivocal extension of the original function. In this paper, we argue that restricting attention to tournaments is justified by the existence of a conservative extension, which inherits most of the commonly considered properties from its underlying tournament solution.

Solving the Traveling Tournament Problem by Packing Three-Vertex Paths
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The Traveling Tournament Problem (TTP) is a complex problem in sports scheduling whose solution is a schedule of home and away games meeting specific feasibility requirements, while minimizing the total distance traveled by all the teams. A recently-developed "hybrid" algorithm, combining local search and integer programming, has resulted in best-known solutions for many TTP instances. In this paper, we tackle the TTP from a graph-theoretic perspective, by generating a new "canonical" schedule in which each team's three-game road trips match up with the underlying graph's minimum-weight P_3-packing. By using this new schedule as the initial input for the hybrid algorithm, we develop tournament schedules for five benchmark TTP instances that beat all previously-known solutions.

18:15-19:00 Session 23: AAAI-14 Poster Session I:B and Reception
Location: Hall 200C
Supervised Transfer Sparse Coding
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. A combination of sparse coding and transfer learning techniques was shown to be accurate and robust in classification tasks where training and testing objects have a shared feature space but are sampled from different underlying distributions, i.e., belong to different domains. The key assumption in such case is that in spite of the domain disparity, samples from different domains share some common hidden factors. Previous methods often assumed that all the objects in the target domain are not labeled, and thus the training set solely comprised objects from the source domain. However, in real world applications, the target domain often has some labeled objects, or one can always manually label a small number of them. In this paper, we explore such possibility and show how a little amount of labeled data in the target domain can significantly leverage classification accuracy of the state-of-the-art transfer sparse coding methods. We further propose a unified framework named Supervised Transfer Sparse Coding (STSC) which simultaneously optimizes sparse representation, domain transfer and supervised classification. Experimental results on three applications demonstrate that little manual labeling and then learning the model in a supervised fashion can significantly improve classification accuracy.

Non-Restarting SAT Solvers With Simple Preprocessing Efficiently Simulate Resolution
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers based on conflict directed clause learning (CDCL) implicitly produce resolution refutations of unsatisfiable formulas. The precise class of formulas for which they can produce polynomial size refutations has been the subject of several studies, with special focus on the clause learning aspect of these solvers. The results, however, either assume the use of non-standard and non-asserting learning schemes such as FirstNewCut, or rely on polynomially many restarts for simulating individual steps of a resolution refutation, or work with a theoretical model that significantly deviates from certain key aspects of all modern CDCL solvers such as learning only one asserting clause from each conflict and other techniques such as conflict guided backjumping and clause minimization. We study non-restarting CDCL solvers that learn only one asserting clause per conflict and show that, with simple preprocessing that depends only on the number of variables of the input formula, such solvers can polynomially simulate resolution.

Learning to Recognize Novel Objects in One Shot through Human-Robot Interactions in Natural Language Dialogues
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Being able to quickly and naturally teach robots new knowledge is critical for many future open-world human-robot interaction scenarios. In this paper we present a novel approach to using natural language context for one-shot learning of visual objects, where the robot is immediately able to recognize the described object. We describe the architectural components and demonstrate the proposed approach on a robotic platform in a proof-of-concept evaluation.

Online Portfolio Selection with Group Sparsity
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In portfolio selection, it often might be preferable to focus on a few top performing industries/sectors to beat the market. These top performing sectors however might change over time. In this paper, we propose an online portfolio selection algorithm that can take advantage of sector information through the use of a group sparsity inducing regularizer while making lazy updates to the portfolio. The lazy updates prevent changing ones portfolio too often which otherwise might incur huge transaction costs. The proposed formulation is not straightforward to solve due to the presence of non-smooth functions along with the constraint that the portfolios have to lie within a probability simplex. We propose an efficient primal-dual based alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness for the problem of online portfolio selection with sector information. We show that our algorithm O-LUGS has sub-linear regret $w.r.t.$ the best \textit{fixed} and best \textit{shifting} solution in hindsight. We successfully establish the robustness and scalability of O-LUGS by performing extensive experiments on two real-world datasets.

Non-convex feature learning via lp,∞ operator
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We present a feature selection method for solving sparse regularization problem, which has a composite regularization of $\ell_p$ norm and $\ell_{\infty}$ norm. We use proximal gradient method to solve this \L1inf operator problem, where a simple but efficient algorithm is designed to minimize a relative simple objective function, which contains a vector of $\ell_2$ norm and $\ell_\infty$ norm. Proposed method brings some insight for solving sparsity-favoring norm, and extensive experiments are conducted to characterize the effect of varying $p$ and to compare with other approaches on real world multi-class and multi-label datasets.

An Agent-Based Model Studying the Acquisition of a Language System of Logical Constructions

ABSTRACT. This paper presents an agent-based model that studies the emergence and evolution of a language system of logical constructions, i.e. a vocabulary and a set of grammatical constructions that allow expressing logical combinations of categories. The model assumes the agents have a common vocabulary for basic categories, the ability to construct logical combinations of categories using Boolean functions, and some general purpose cognitive capacities for invention, adoption, induction and adaptation. But it does not assume the agents have a vocabulary for Boolean functions nor grammatical constructions for expressing such logical combinations of categories through language. The results of the experiments we have performed show that a language system of logical constructions emerges as a result of a process of self-organisation of the individual agents' interactions when these agents adapt their preferences for vocabulary and grammatical constructions to those they observe are used more often by the rest of the population, and that such language system is transmitted from one generation to the next.

Adaptation Guided Case Base Maintenance
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In case-based reasoning (CBR), problems are solved by retrieving prior cases and adapting their solutions to fit new problems. Controlling the growth of the case base in CBR is a fundamental problem. Much research on case-base maintenance has developed methods aimed at compacting case bases while maintaining system competence, by deleting cases whose absence is considered least likely to degrade the system's problem-solving, given static case adaptation knowledge. This paper proposes adaptation-guided case-base maintenance (AGCBM), a case-base maintenance approach exploiting the ability to dynamically generate new adaptation knowledge from cases. In AGCMB, case retention decisions are based both on their value as base cases for solving problems and on their value for generating new adaptation rules, in turn increasing the problem-solving value of other cases in the case base. The paper tests the method for numerical prediction tasks (case-based regression) in which rules are generated automatically using the case difference heuristic. Tests on four sample domains compare accuracy with a set of five candidate case-based maintenance methods, for varying case-base densities. AGCBM outperformed the alternatives all domains, with the benefit most substantial for the greatest amounts of compression.

Abduction Framework for Repairing Incomplete EL Ontologies: Complexity Results and Algorithms
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider the problem of repairing missing is-a relations in ontologies. We formalize the problem as a generalized TBox abduction problem (GTAP). Based on this abduction framework, we present complexity results for the existence, relevance and necessity decision problems for the GTAP with and without some specific preference relations for ontologies that can be represented using a member of the EL family of description logics. Further, we present an algorithm for finding solutions, a system as well as experiments.

Saturated Path-Constrained MDP: Planning under Uncertainty and Deterministic Model-Checking Constraints
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In many probabilistic planning scenarios, a system's behavior needs to not only maximize the expected utility but also obey certain restrictions. This paper presents Saturated Path-Constrained Markov Decision Processes (SPC MDPs), a new MDP type for planning under uncertainty with deterministic model-checking constraints, e.g., "state s must be visited before s'", "the system must end up in s", or "the system must never enter s". We present a mathematical analysis of SPC MDPs, showing that although SPC MDPs generally have no optimal policies, every instance of this class has an epsilon-optimal randomized policy for any epsilon > 0. We propose a dynamic programming-based algorithm for finding such policies, and empirically demonstrate this algorithm to be orders of magnitude faster than its next-best alternative.

State Aggregation in Monte Carlo Tree Search
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a popular class of algorithms for online decision making in large Markov decision processes (MDPs). The effectiveness of these algorithms, however, often deteriorates for MDPs with high stochastic branching factors. In this paper, we study state aggregation as a way of reducing stochastic branching in tree search. Prior work has studied formal properties of MDP state aggregation in the context of dynamic programming and reinforcement learning, but little attention has been paid to state aggregation in MCTS. Our main contribution is to establish basic results about the optimality-preserving properties of state aggregation for search trees. We then apply these results to show that popular MCTS algorithms such as UCT and sparse sampling can employ fairly coarse state aggregation schemes while retaining their theoretical properties. As a proof of concept, we experimentally confirm that state aggregation in MCTS improves finite-sample performance.

A Constructive Argumentation Framework
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Dung’s argumentation framework is an abstract framework based on a set of arguments and a binary attack relation defined over the set. One instantiation, among many others, of Dung’s framework consists in constructing the arguments from a set of propositional logic formulas. Thus an argument is seen as a reason for or against the truth of a particular statement. Despite its advantages, the argumentation approach for inconsistency handling also has important shortcomings. More precisely, in some applications what one is interested in are not so much only the conclusions supported by the arguments but also to the precise explications of such conclusions. We show that argumentation framework applied to classical logic formulas is not suitable to deal with this problem. On the other hand, intuitionistic logic appears to be a natural alternative candidate logic (instead of classical logic) to instantiate Dung’s framework. We develop constructive argumentation framework. We show that intuitionistic logic offers nice and desirable properties of the arguments. We also provide a characterization of the arguments in this setting in terms of minimal inconsistent subsets when intuitionistic logic is embedded in the modal logic S4.

Privacy and Regression Model Preserved Learning
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Sensitive data such as medical records and business reports usually contains valuable information that can be used to build prediction models. However, designing learning models by directly using sensitive data might result in severe privacy and copyright issues. In this paper, we propose a novel matrix completion based framework that is able to handle two challenging issues simultaneously: i) recovering missing and noisy sensitive data, and ii) preserving the privacy of the sensitive data during the learning process. In particular, the proposed framework is able to mask the sensitive data while ensuring that the transformed data are still usable for training regression models. We show that two key properties, namely \emph{model preserving} and \emph{privacy preserving}, are satisfied by the transformed data obtained from the proposed framework. In \emph{model preserving}, we guarantee that the linear regression model built from the masked data approximates the regression model learned from the original data in a perfect way. In \emph{privacy preserving}, we ensure that the original sensitive data cannot be recovered since the transformation procedure is irreversible. Given these two characteristics, the transformed data can be safely released to any learners for designing prediction models without revealing any private content. Our empirical studies with a synthesized dataset and multiple sensitive benchmark datasets verify our theoretical claim as well as the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

Mechanism Design for Mobile Geo–Location Advertising
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Mobile geo-location advertising, where mobile ads are targeted based on a user's location, has been identified as a key growth factor for the mobile market. As with online advertising, a crucial ingredient for their success is the development of effective economic mechanisms. An important difference is that mobile ads are shown sequentially over time and information about the user can be learned based on their movements. Furthermore, ads need to be shown selectively to prevent ad fatigue. To this end, we introduce, for the first time, a user model and suitable economic mechanisms which take these factors into account. Specifically, we design two truthful mechanisms which produce an advertisement plan based on the user's movements. One mechanism is allocatively efficient, but requires exponential compute time in the worst case. The other requires polynomial time, but is not allocatively efficient. Finally, we experimentally evaluate the trade-off between compute time and efficiency of our mechanisms.

Learning Relative Similarity by Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Learning relative similarity from pairwise instances is an important problem in machine learning and potentially very useful for many applications, such as image and text retrieval. Despite being studied for years, some existing methods solved by Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) techniques generally suffer from slow convergence. In this paper, we investigate the application of Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA) technique to tackle the optimization task of relative similarity learning by extending from vector to matrix parameters. Theoretically, we prove the optimal linear convergence rate for the proposed SDCA algorithm, beating the well-known sublinear convergence rate by the previous best metric learning algorithms. Empirically, we conduct extensive experiments on both standard and large-scale data sets to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for retrieval tasks.

Approximate Equilibrium and Incentivizing Social Coordination
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We study techniques to incentivize self-interested agents to form socially desirable solutions in scenarios where they benefit from mutual coordination. Towards this end, we consider coordination games where agents have different intrinsic preferences but they stand to gain if others choose the same strategy as them. For non-trivial versions of our game, stable solutions like Nash Equilibrium may not exist, or may be socially inefficient even when they do exist. This motivates us to focus on designing efficient algorithms to compute (almost) stable solutions like Approximate Equilibrium that can be be realized if agents are provided some additional incentives. Alternatively, approximate stability corresponds to the addition of a switching cost that agents have to pay in order to deviate. Our results apply in many settings like adoption of new products, project selection, and group formation, where a central authority can direct agents towards a strategy but agents may defect if they have better alternatives. We show that for any given instance, we can either compute a high quality approximate equilibrium or a near-optimal solution that can be stabilized by providing a small fraction of the social welfare to all players. Our results imply that little influence is necessary in order to ensure that selfish players coordinate and form socially efficient solutions.

New Models for Competitive Contagion
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we introduce and examine two new and natural models for competitive contagion in networks, a game-theoretic generalization of the viral marketing problem. In our setting, firms compete to maximize their market share in a network of consumers whose adoption decisions are stochastically determined by the choices of their neighbors.

Building on the switching-selecting framework introduced by Goyal and Kearns (2012), we first introduce a new model in which the payoff to firms comprises not only the number of vertices who adopt their (competing) technologies, but also the network connectivity among those nodes. For a general class of stochastic dynamics driving the local adoption process, we derive upper bounds for (1) the (pure strategy) Price of Anarchy (PoA), which measures the inefficiency of resource use at equilibrium, and (2) the Budget Multiplier, which captures the extent to which the network amplifies the imbalances in the firms' initial budgets. These bounds depend on the firm budgets and the maximum degree of the network, but no other structural properties. In addition, we give general conditions under which the PoA and the Budget Multiplier can be unbounded.

We also introduce a model in which budgeting decisions are endogenous, rather than externally given as is typical in the viral marketing problem. In this setting, the firms are allowed to choose the number of seeds to initially infect (at a fixed cost per seed), as well as which nodes to select as seeds. In sharp contrast to the results of Goyal and Kearns (2012), we show that for almost any local adoption dynamics, there exists a family of graphs for which the PoA and Budget Multiplier are unbounded.

DJAO: A Communication‐Constrained DCOP Algorithm that Combines Features of ADOPT and Action‐GDL
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper we propose a novel DCOP algorithm, called DJAO, that is able to efficiently find a solution with low communication overhead; this algorithm can be used for optimal and bounded approximate solutions by appropriately setting the error bounds. Our approach builds on distributed junction trees used in Action-GDL to represent independence relations among variables. We construct an AND/OR search space based on these junction trees. This new type of search space results in higher degrees for each OR node, consequently yielding a more efficient search graph in the distributed settings. DJAO uses a branch-and-bound search algorithm to distributedly find solutions within this search graph. We introduce a heuristics to compute the upper and lower bound estimates that the search starts with, which is integral to our approach for reducing communication overhead. We empirically evaluate our approach in various settings.

Cross-lingual Knowledge Validation Based Taxonomy Derivation from Heterogeneous Online Wikis
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Creating knowledge bases based on the crowd-sourced wikis, like Wikipedia, has attracted significant research interest in the field of intelligent Web. However, the derived taxonomies usually contain many mistakenly imported taxonomic relations due to the difference between the user-generated subsumption relations and the semantic taxonomic relations. Current approaches to solving the problem still suffer the following issues: (i) the heuristic-based methods strongly rely on specific language dependent rules. (ii) the corpus-based methods depend on a large-scale high-quality corpus, which is often unavailable.

In this paper, we formulate the cross-lingual taxonomy derivation problem as the problem of cross-lingual taxonomic relation prediction. We investigate different linguistic heuristics and language independent features, and propose a cross-lingual knowledge validation based dynamic adaptive boosting model to iteratively reinforce the performance of taxonomic relation prediction. The proposed approach successfully overcome the above issues, and experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms the designed state-of-the-art comparison methods.

Sparse Learning for Stochastic Composite Optimization
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we focus on the Sparse Learning for Stochastic Composite Optimization (SCO). Many algorithms have been proposed for SCO, and they have reached the optimal convergence rate $\mathcal{O}(1/T)$ recently. However, the sparsity of the solutions obtained by the existing methods is unsatisfactory due to mainly two reasons: (1) taking the average of the intermediate solutions as the final solution, (2) the reducing of the magnitude of the sparse regularizer in the iterations. In order to improve the sparse pattern of the solutions, we propose a simple but effective stochastic optimization scheme by adding a novel sparse online-to-batch conversion to the traditional algorithms for SCO. Two specific approaches are discussed in this paper to reveal the power of our scheme. The theoretical analysis shows that our scheme can find a solution with better sparse pattern without affecting the current optimal convergence rate. Experiment results on both synthetic and real-world data sets show that our proposed methods have obviously superior sparse recovery ability and have comparable convergence rate as the state-of-the-art algorithms for SCO.

Signed Laplacian Embedding for Supervised Dimension Reduction
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Manifold learning is a powerful tool for solving nonlinear dimension reduction problems. By assuming that the high-dimensional data usually lie on a low-dimensional manifold, many algorithms have been proposed. However, most algorithms simply adopt the traditional graph Laplacian to encode the data locality, so the discriminative ability is limited and the embedding results are not always suitable for the subsequent classification. Instead, this paper deploys the signed graph Laplacian and proposes Signed Laplacian Embedding (SLE) for supervised dimension reduction. By exploring the label information, SLE comprehensively transfers the discrimination carried by the original data to the embedded low-dimensional space. Without perturbing the discrimination structure, SLE also retains the locality. Theoretically, we prove the immersion property by computing the rank of projection, and relate SLE to existing algorithms in the frame of patch alignment. Thorough empirical studies on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of SLE.

On the Challenges of Physical Implementations of RBMs
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) are powerful machine learning models, but learning and some kinds of inference in the model require sampling-based approximations, which, in classical digital computers, are implemented using expensive MCMC. Physical computation offers the opportunity to reduce the cost of sampling by building physical systems whose natural dynamics correspond to drawing samples from the desired RBM distribution. Such a system avoids the burn-in and mixing cost of a Markov chain. However, hardware implementations of this variety usually entail limitations such as low-precision and limited range of the parameters and restrictions on the size and topology of the RBM. We conduct software simulations to determine how harmful each of these restrictions is. Our simulations are designed to reproduce aspects of the D-Wave Two computer, but the issues we investigate arise in most forms of physical computation. Our findings suggest that designers of new physical computing hardware and algorithms for physical computers should concentrate their efforts on overcoming the limitations imposed by the topology restrictions of currently existing physical computers.

On Computing Optimal Strategies in Open List Proportional Representation: the Two Parties Case
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Open list proportional representation is an election mechanism used in many elections including the 2012 Hong Kong Legislative Council Geographical Constituencies election. In this paper, assuming that there are just two parties in the election, and that the number of votes that a list would get is the sum of the numbers of votes that the candidates in the list would get if each of them would go alone in the election, we formulate the election as a mostly zero-sum game, and show that while the game always has a pure Nash equilibrium, it is NP-hard to compute it.

ARIA: Asymmetry Resistant Instance Alignment
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This paper studies the problem of instance alignment between knowledge bases (KBs). Existing approaches, exploiting the "symmetry" of structure and information across KBs, suffer in the presence of asymmetry, which is frequent as KBs are independently built. Specifically, we observe three types of asymmetry -- concept, feature, and structural asymmetry. The goal of this paper is to identify key techniques for overcoming each type of asymmetry, then build them into a framework that robustly aligns matches over asymmetry. In particular, we propose an Asymmetry-Resistant Instance Alignment framework (ARIA), implementing two-phased blocking methods considering concept and feature asymmetry, with a novel similarity measure overcoming structural asymmetry. Our evaluation results validate that this framework outperforms state-of-the-arts in terms of both response time and accuracy, by increasing 18% in precision and 2% in recall in matching large-scale real-life KBs.

Large-Scale Supervised Multimodal Hashing with Semantic Correlation Maximization
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Due to its low storage cost and fast query speed, hashing has been widely adopted for similarity search in multimedia data. In particular, more and more attentions have been payed to multimodal hashing for search in multimedia data with multiple modalities, such as images with tags. Typically, supervised information of semantic labels is also available for the data points in many real applications. Hence, many supervised multimodal hashing~(SMH) methods have been proposed to utilize such semantic labels to further improve the search accuracy. However, the training time complexity of most existing SMH methods is too high, which makes them unscalable to large-scale datasets. In this paper, a novel SMH method, called semantic correlation maximization~(SCM), is proposed to seamlessly integrate semantic labels into the hashing learning procedure for large-scale data modeling. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show that SCM can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art SMH methods, in terms of both accuracy and scalability.

Learning Word Representation Considering Proximity and Ambiguity
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Distributed representations of words (aka word embedding) have been proven helpful in solving NLP tasks. Training distributed representations of words with neural networks has received much attention of late. Especially, the most recent work on word embedding, the Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) model and the Continuous Skip-gram (Skip-gram) model proposed by Google, shows very impressive results by significantly speeding up the training process to enable word representation learning from very large-scale data. However, both CBOW and Skip-gram do not pay enough attention to the word proximity in terms of model or the word ambiguity in terms of linguistics. In this paper, we propose Proximity-Ambiguity Sensitive (PAS) models (i.e. PAS CBOW and PAS Skip-gram) for producing high quality distributed representations of words considering both word proximity and ambiguity. From the model perspective, we introduce proximity weights as parameters to be learned in PAS CBOW and used in PAS Skip-gram. By better modeling word proximity, we reveal the real strength of the pooling-structured neural networks in word representation learning. The proximity-sensitive pooling layer can also be applied to other neural network applications that employ pooling layers. From the linguistics perspective, we train multiple representation vectors per word. Each representation vector corresponds to a particular sense of the word. By using PAS models, we achieved a maximum accuracy increase of 16.9% over the state-of-the-art models on the word representation test set.

Echo-State Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines

ABSTRACT. Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) are a powerful generative modeling technique, based on a complex graphical model of hidden (latent) variables. Conditional RBMs (CRBMs) are an extension of RBMs tailored to modeling temporal data. A drawback of CRBMs is their consideration of linear temporal dependencies, which limits their capability to capture complex temporal structure. They also require many variables to model long temporal dependencies, a fact that might provoke overfitting proneness. To resolve these issues, in this paper we propose the echo-state CRBM (ES-CRBM): our model uses an echo-state network reservoir in the context of CRBMs to efficiently capture long and complex temporal dynamics, with much fewer trainable parameters compared to conventional CRBMs. In addition, we introduce an (implicit) mixture of ES-CRBM experts (im-ES-CRBM) to enhance even further the capabilities of our ES-CRBM model. The introduced im-ES-CRBM allows for better modeling temporal observations which might comprise a number of latent or observable subpatterns that alternate in a dynamic fashion. It also allows for performing sequence segmentation using our framework. We apply our methods to sequential data modeling and classification experiments using public datasets. As we show, our approach outperforms both existing RBM-based approaches as well as related state-of-the-art methods, such as conditional random fields.

Adding Local Exploration to Greedy Best-First Search for Satisficing Planning
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS) is a powerful algorithm at the heart of many state of the art satisficing planners. One major weakness of GBFS is its behavior in so-called uninformative heuristic regions (UHR) - parts of the search space in which no heuristic provides guidance towards states with improved heuristic values. In such regions, GBFS degenerates into an inefficient breadth-first type search. This work analyzes the problem of UHR in planning in detail, and proposes a two level search framework as a solution. In Greedy Best-First Search with Local Exploration (GBFS-LE), local exploration is started from within a global GBFS whenever the search seems stuck in UHRs.

Two different local exploration strategies are developed and evaluated experimentally: Local GBFS (LS) and Local Random Walk Search (LRW). The two new planners LAMA-LS and LAMA-LRW integrate these strategies into the GBFS component of LAMA-2011. Both are shown to yield clear improvements in terms of both coverage and search time on standard International Planning Competition benchmarks, especially for domains that are proven to have large or unbounded UHRs.

On the Incompatibility of Efficiency and Strategyproofness in Randomized Social Choice
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Efficiency--no agent can be made better off without making another one worse off--and strategyproofness--no agent can obtain a more preferred outcome by misrepresenting his preferences--are two cornerstones of economics and ubiquitous in important areas such as voting, auctions, or matching markets. Within the context of randomized social choice, Bogomolnaia and Moulin have shown that two particular notions of efficiency and strategyproofness based on stochastic dominance are incompatible. However, there are various other possibilities of lifting preferences over alternatives to preferences over lotteries apart from stochastic dominance. In this paper, we give an overview of common preference extensions, propose two new ones, and show that the above-mentioned incompatibility can be extended to various other notions of strategyproofness and efficiency.

Ranking Tweets by Labeled and Collaboratively Selected Pairs with Transitive Closure
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Tweets ranking is important for information acquisition in Microblog. Due to the content sparsity and lack of labeled data, it is better to employ semi-supervised learning methods to utilize the unlabeled data. However, most of previous semi-supervised learning methods do not consider the pair conflict problem, which means that the new selected unlabeled data may conflict with the labeled and previously selected data. It will hurt the learning performance a lot, if the training data contains many conflict pairs. In this paper, we propose a new collaborative semi-supervised SVM ranking model (CSR-TC) with consideration of the order conflict. The unlabeled data is selected based on a dynamically maintained transitive closure graph to avoid pair conflict. We also investigate the two views of features, intrinsic and content-relevant features, for the proposed model. Extensive experiments are conducted on TREC Microblogging corpus. The results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves significant improvement, compared to several state-of-the-art models.

Learning Temporal Dynamics of Behavior Propagation in Social Networks
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Social influence has been widely accepted to explain people's cascade behaviors and further utilized to benefit many applications. However, few of existing work studied the direct, microscopic and temporal impact of social influence on people's behaviors in detail. In this paper we engage in the investigation of behavior propagation based on social influence and its temporal dynamics over continuous time. We formalize the static behavior models including BP and IBP, and the discrete DBP and DIBP models. We introduce continuous-temporal functions (CTFs) to model the fully-continuous dynamic variance of social influence over time. Upon that we propose the continuous-temporal interest-aware behavior propagation model, called CIBP, and present effective inference algorithm. Experimental studies on real-world datasets evaluated the family of behavior propagation models (BPMs) and demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed models.

On the Structure of Synergies in Cooperative Games
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. We investigate synergy, or lack thereof, between agents in cooperative games, building on the popular notion of Shapley value. We think of a pair of agents as synergistic (resp., antagonistic) if the Shapley value of one agent when the other agent participates in a joint effort is higher (resp. lower) than when the other agent does not participate. Our main theoretical result is that any graph specifying synergistic and antagonistic pairs can arise even from a restricted class of cooperative games. We also study the computational complexity of determining whether a given pair of agents is synergistic. Finally, we use the concepts developed in the paper to uncover the structure of synergies in two real-world organizations, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Multilabel Classification with Label Correlations and Missing Labels
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Many real-world applications involve multilabel classification, in which the labels can have strong inter-dependencies and some of them may even be missing. Existing multilabel algorithms are unable to deal with both issues simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic model that can automatically learn and exploit multilabel correlations. By integrating out the missing information, it also provides a disciplined approach to the handling of missing labels. The inference procedure is simple, and the optimization subproblems are convex. Experiments on a number of real-world data sets with both complete and missing labels demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can consistently outperform the state-of-the-art multilabel classification algorithms.

19:30-22:30 Session 24: AAAI-14 Conference Fete, Le Theatre and Cabaret du Capitole de Quebec
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